Blizzard needs to delay Shadowlands release to Jan-Feb of 2021

Well I don’t know if this has any indication that they know it is still rough( shadowland) but when you order the expansion from GS, Amazon, Best Buy they say it will ship as soon as come out in January. I bet its going to be a late one this time.

Warcraft 3 reforged…

Don’t think management cares. They’re trying to Boeing the place and trade in as much good will for as much cash as possible.

The state 8.3 was released in, cancellation of 8.4. I think it’s obvious they have a deadline that wont be missed.

8.3 barely has any achievements. Just the raid meta and two achievements for HV’s. Well more than two, but if you get the two 5 mask achievements you got all the rest. Just filler. But no zone achievements like meca-done…

That would be the physical Collectors Edition not the actual release date of the game.

True but why delay the CE for people that want it same day as the others? Just a thought…

I think we should delay it if by the time it’s meant to come out it’s not finished.

Because there hasn’t been an officially announced release date and we know it’s coming this Fall. The January (14th was it?) date is just placeholder.

Your delusional then. I don’t see thousands and millions of people asking for it to be delayed. Just you.


I don’t know but that’s been the case for a lot of expansions. I have a friend who always buys the physical Collectors Edition and he’s rarely been able to get it on or before launch date. I just buy the Digital Collectors Edition I bought Shadowlands the day it became available for pre-order.

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They put arbitrary dates on things to sell pre-orders. No one knows the release date but Blizzard and they have not nailed it down yet. It could be in January or it could be October. I wouldn’t trust anyone but Blizzards official release date.


BfA was not a smooth release. Half their populated servers went down an hour after release and were down for hours. And then the bank and AHs on those servers didn’t work for weeks…dunno how that is smooth. And then, we had multiple tuning patches each week for months. First week of m+ people got loot from their caches for m+ ran last week of Legion. It was a horrific launch.


GameStop was notorious for “making up” release dates then blaming the company for the change. When the company never announced it.

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I prefer to refer to it as ScamStop.

Those things can not be found out until it goes live and the server can handle the load or not. I did beta for BFA and those issue you mentioned were not a part of the beta testing. Unless they do a massive beta that includes the entire player based. Things like that can potentially go wrong.

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They have more than enough time to get the game adequate for a release.

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Trust me I have every CE from vanilla on and I have gotten everyone on release date. I ordered from game stop, best buy and amazon. Now is the date just there and will change when Blizzard say what the date is? Maybe… but the shape shadowland is in so far(I am in beta) I bet it will be later.

Also consider the pandemic did not help them since everyone is working from home. Also the pay the employees are fighting about is not either, there is a chance it will be late.

So they could not have predicted that their azerite traits were going to be horribly imbalanced and require twice weekly tuning patches? If only they had something to test things like balance…

Just because you don’t like something or think is unbalanced doesn’t mean its broken. I liked the azerite system.

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I certainly won’t :smiley:

There is zero chance it will be delayed they’ve made that clear already by Dec 21st at the latest. My guess id late OCT/early Nov.

Quit simping

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