Blizzard needs to delay Shadowlands release to Jan-Feb of 2021

I liked the abilities.
But reunlocking what you already have is not exactly rewarding.

I agree on that but a system not being broken doesn’t mean it’s enjoyable. I loved Legion Artifacts but HATED Azerite.


They’ll be pushing it, completely ignoring class design, covenant abilities and balance, legendaries, torghast, raid and M+ tuning, PvP tuning etc just the new scaled world has a loads of issues still, the squish broke a lot of things.

I’d recommend not opting to speak for the masses. You’re entitled to your opinion, but you’re not a representative for me and how I feel about the release date.

At this point, there really isn’t anything more they can do to “harm” the brand than they’ve already done. (IE Warlords of Draenor and now BFA.)

Those of us still here will probably be here when the last light gets turned off at Blizz HQ … no matter what they do.

I disagree with your, “the sky is falling!” ideology … yet, as said above, you’re entitled to your opinion.


You should really fix your post. You don’t speak for the masses. It should say. “I wouldnt mind the expansion being released in 2021”


Well if their game is in the same state as ACW (Assassin’s creed) its bad XD
It might be horrible at the release date

I think they are handling class design great. Look at what they did to shadow priests and shamans. People are loving the changes. If they would adjust bear druids I think for the most part classes would be in a good place.


too bad for you. they said they are shipping it out if they are still in their homes if they have to. fall 2020 boys

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I haven’t received beta access yet, but I have been doing a lot of ptr leveling up experience and I can say that things still need a lot of work on the level squish. Many things just seem janky right now leveling a new character up. Everything from certain mobs having too much HP too some quests asking for more gold than you have as a new character to complete, example building a barracks in your garrison costs 150 g :laughing: that insane for a new character to have.

I think that a slight delay might be a good thing, as long as it drops this year.

Too late Op

Cya at launch


No I do speak for the masses. I would rather them delay the game and the game actually be good, polished, and not full of bugs, unlike BFA instead of rushing the release to please Activision.

Pretty sure the masses would take a delay of a few month in order to get the game properly tuned instead of rushed out.


Shadowlands really does need to be a homerun.

Can’t even imagine there being much left if we’re in for a BFA 2.0.

Also, releasing the xpac very close to Christmas will be problematic as Blizzard has generally avoided releasing both patches and expansions close to holidays since it will cause massive imbalance in progression between players.

There are far more pros than cons for releasing the game in January or February.


You can’t be that arrogant… you only speak for YOU.


What is it you don’t understand about it’s not going to happen?

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Sorry you’re upset bro.

It’s funny though you claim you hated Azerite and that it sucked yet you are simping for Blizzard and wanting them to release an obviously untuned expansion just like Azerite was.

And no, I’m not arrogant. I don’t speak for just ME. I speak for the majority of people who don’t want SL to turn into the crapshow BFA was. I can see that you are replying as you type some angry post, but I don’t understand why you want Blizzard to release something as bad as BFA just cause you want to play in 2020.


OK not only are you arrogant but trolling at this point.

Fact 1 You speak only for you.

Fact 2 Shadowlands will launch in 2020.


Name call all you want I’ll be having fun with the 2020 launch. :wave: :wave:


Smells like Sunday


come on dude thats a bit too far

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