Blizzard, most of your core classic playerbase is still waiting fresh vanilla or TBC

you got population statistics?

Their website doesn’t even provide actual numbers. My argument was not that the servers shut down before the last phase… just that active player count continuously goes down over the phases.

People love fresh, but often do not stay for the whole thing

Aren’t the fresh servers they added near the end of BC dead already?

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WITH 2s titles please

I logged into Maladath Horde the other day and there was 115 auctions posted.

‘fresh’ is the worst request they ever make. I hate people who care so much about others’ progression they need a full reset because as soon as they once again fall behind they’ll just quit and ask for another,


I agree with this argument when it’s used in the context of servers currently progressing through content cycles, like when blizzard added fresh servers to wotlk.

Fresh servers when vanilla is already finished makes perfect sense though. Very few want to start over on a completely finished, fully progressed realm where everyone on the realm is gearing out their 20th alt in naxx. There is a reason private servers do resets after the final phase is finished, forever realms go against the nature of an MMO. Resets are necessary after the game is finished.

Classic was popular because the game was sent back in time 15 years and there was a nostalgia rush. Let’s not also ignore big influencers bringing it to the forefront of streaming and a new generation of players getting to try it as well. That time ran it’s course and now we are where we are, in Cataclysm with MoP on the horizon.

A server that’s going to be forever classic with seasonal resets is far to niche to focus on and you’re the one coping if you deny that fact. What people really wanted as proven by SoD was the feel of classic but with new flair and hopefully new content in the future. On the other side of that said older and newer generations are getting to play through the cataclysm and are having a blast. You just willfully choose to wear blinders. Cope.

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I am of your target group - core classic player.
BUT I do not want fresh - at least not if this means that the Era servers get deleted. I did not search through 100+ posts to see if you touched upon this :wink:

But I sure would like TBC and / or Wrath Era servers.

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This was retail players excuse for why nostalrious was a big success, along with every other succesful private server. Then classic came, which they said would die in a month, and it was succesful.

Vanilla was has been succesful over and over and retail players just can’t bring themselves to up and admit that some people enjoy a different genre of video game than them. They feel personally insulted that people like something different than them, it’s like they are all teenagers.

Cope harder, vanilla is a proven success.


Ofc it was a success, it was the official release of a classic prog server.

You can’t compare the numbers it pulled in when it launched to a fresh server tho, they won’t even be close.

Not saying you shouldn’t get a fresh server tho.

Do it like EverQuest prog servers.

i like your post and how it pulls facts out of nowhere. Cool.

And permanent wrath classic servers… Don’t forget wrath.

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I love every version of WoW, but there’s nothing like the original vanilla experience.

Classic era is the worst designed version of wow there is :joy:


Most free server people wont touch a subscription even if they could afford it

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fresh chasers are the worst and should never be taken seriously


Is that why classic ended up being such a big success right after classic? You are repeating pre-2019 retail talking abouts that have long been debunked by history. Turns out that nost audience was willing to pay for it.

Vanilla has been succesful multiple times over, classic more than paid off for blizzard. Some people enjoy different video game genres than you, get over it.


Well, that’s like … your opinon, man. For me it’s the best.


id mess with a TBC refresh since i love tbc and they utterly botched the launch and waited too long to let horde queue into horde to fix 1 hour BG queues.

That being said I enjoy cataclysm, much more than wrath.

I’m mean there are loads of flavors of WoW to play… Era, Hardcore, SoD, Classic (Cata) and Retail (DF).

I feel like WoW has sorta spread itself out too thin these days and lacks a strategy. BUT… I’m cool with them adding servers for era TBC and wrath and even a possible Classic + that isn’t SoD.

But let’s be realistic here… They keep downsizing the staff and the core of the new game keeps getting more and more bloated. They don’t have enough Classic Devs to make it happen currently with the timeframes we’d want and the Quality we’d expect. Also… The core Devs don’t seem to be doing anything but the next 3 expansions that they just hyped/sold.

So expect very little from Blizz.