Blizzard, most of your core classic playerbase is still waiting fresh vanilla or TBC

The people who want vanilla classic are just a vocal minority. That ship sailed.

Cataclysm is a much better experience.


Cata and mop are bis pvp, lol what are you even talking about.

Tbc and wrath are too basic.

Lol not even close.

Retail has way more people.


People or not, retail makes more money

Why would they care about doing classic fresh or tbc when those people only pay subs, retail has mtx money galore (to prove a point, they make more money on wow now than when it was at its peak playerbase in Wrath)

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Maybe it could be a better game if they use the resources that they’re using in classic and SOD and put them on retail

Nah it’s not a resource issue it’s a bad design issue.

As much as I would like fresh I don’t know if I have it in me to spend 150 hours leveling another character to 60 especially after hardcore, sod, and cata in the past year and The War Within on the horizon.

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How many of the classic exclusive playerbase? you and maybe 5 other people on this board?

like I said here :point_down:

You only speak for yourself.

Too early to tell to make judgements my man.

If anything Cata classic raids pretty much had a similar amount of logs on the first weeks of raiding opened up for TBC classic and Wrath classic.

Making the call that Cata classic is the worst performing classic release is disingenuous at best when you consider that its first weeks of the expansion launching and a week later raids opened up, I could make that exact claim for TBC and Wrath too if we go back in time a bit but those expansions have been out longer the Cata classic.

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I hope they give you all a fresh server.

I’m a changed man.

Classic 60 wow is nothing but a cesspool of griefing and poor decisions from blizzard. It will never be what you are hoping it is, and no one actually wants it, you think you do… but you know. World pvp is non existent, world buffs are cancer, pvp in general is really just pve (rushing av bosses over and over). TBC was boringly easy. Hardest part was keeping a full roster from all the people quitting.

Nothing will ever be the same as OG vanilla and TBC. The playerbase is too different from back then.


classic wow saved world of warcraft retail


Thought everyone was waiting for Classic WoD.

Loving cata but I’d 100% drop it for fresh TBC. But I worry if that would be populated.

Really one pve realm would be fine. PVPers could just flag if they felt like it; yes it’s lame but it’s better than a 99/1 server

stop trying to divide the player base even more for your own selfish desires, get over it

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What are you babbling about? I see more people playing Cata Classic than retail right now. You act like it has to be one or the other. Why not both? Its fun to see players forgetting mechanics and almost learning it all over again.

I think it’s worth doing once SoD eventually finishes, since SoD clearly failed at staying true to the group of players who enjoy that type of game. SoM was worth doing for the same reason; it was just done at the worst possible time.

However, it’s never going to be as popular as the OG classic launch was. You’re going to need another worldwide quarantine and for TWW / MoP Classic to flop as hard as BFA->Slands to get numbers remotely comparable.

imagine wanting to level Vanilla AGEEN


I have a strong desire to play on a fresh realm but I don’t want to start over on a realm where people have been clearing naxx on their 20th alt for the past four years.

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Would just really love to put my 2 cents here:

Big fan of the classic WoW line, I play Era mostly (SoD lost it’s shine for me the later into phases it got, not my type of game) I would LOVE a new “Real Classic (Vanilla > LK)” cycle or even a Era BC and WotLK server? Either work!

Era has been pretty stable and I’ll continue to play it but there are times where I would just love to raid Kara again! haha.

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Kronos has done four resets all the way through you have zero idea what you are talking about.