Blizzard missed the point!

wrong cata is classic. period. The slap in the face to the entire playerbase is making SoD and hardcore mode while Woltk is still running. SoD & and “Hardcore” are not classic and twitch hype meme modes nobody wanted in the first place. And if you quit Wrath for SoD you have zero room to speak on what is and what isnt classic


Apathy somewhat curious were do you think Classic should end ?

Or what do you think will be the likely outcome for Classic ?

Will it keep going on forever with releases? or will stop at MoP/Legion?

Will they transfer characters over to retail after some point ?

Adding my dumb opinion to the sea of good and bad takes.
I gave Cata a chance first time but never made it past phase 1 - too much fundamentally changed, including a lot of the nerd stuff I enjoyed, like weirdo talent combos or combat ratings. Let alone losing the old world, felt like a different game. In fact, since most of the old WoW team was gone, I kind of wish I could have seen the new team make their own original MMO instead of being victims of sequelitis. Because ultimately, they made an okay game, it just didn’t feel like WoW anymore, and in many ways the end of Wrath and the start of Cata is when we really began the paradigm shift that led to current retail. The new teams obviously loved the game, but they also wanted their own original stories instead of being chained to an established lore, so they literally broke the world in an attempt to reset things.
That’s a lot of words to say, I don’t think I gave Cata a proper chance. Truthfully, the dungeons and raids and gameplay itself are solid. Playing classic and getting to see the game again through a different lens has made me excited to try the content for what it is instead of what it isn’t. Vanilla was great and it had a ton of raw charm, and despite disliking the story direction TBC was and continues to be my favorite version. But I was a bad player as a kid and this time around I got to actually see Nax40 as well as push hard/heroic modes and overall I enjoy raiding more than I did first time Cata released. At the very least, if I quit WoW during Cata again like I did the first time, it won’t be for the same reason I did as a kid. Classic or not classic, the labeling doesn’t matter - I’m looking forward to raiding the next tier of content.


idk but you seem hostile, I don’t want to interface with you.

I am looking forward to farming again.

It’s a peaceful life

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You can say this about everything post Vanilla. That’s 18 years of ignored content to validate your opinion.

Boom mic drop.

I’m hella hype to play MoP for the first time.


Don’t care really. Classic can end whenever.

It’ll be milked by any means necessary till Blizzard closes their doors. Wow is the only IP they haven’t killed and the release of sod shows they’re willing to mix and match their games. Really, the possibilities are endless.

Don’t know. It can either continue forward as is, be stopped and made into various sods, or the more likely would be a combination of both. If wow players have proven one fact about themselves, they will consume everything wow related, no matter how much they hate it.

There will always be something “close enough” to keep the sub going instead of moving on.

Probably not. Even if the levels ended up matching in the end, the games between the two would still be wildly different. I doubt classic would ever fully “catch up” to retail, otherwise one of the two would be redundant and literally useless.

At the end of the day, Classic to me is just the expansions that are not current patch retail. The idea of “similar systems” or “retail 1.0” is just cope presented by players who can’t accept the fact that their headcanon of the trilogy being “classic” and everything else is retail is outright wrong from what we’ve seen from what Blizzard has presented.


How so? All I did was ask some questions and restate the same statement you made.

All I got out of your response is that you can’t present any evidence for your stance, because you know your definition of classic is a lie you created and convinced yourself of.

My memory is rusty, but MoP deserves a top tier spot. Throne and onwards was prime.

Edit: You were grobb mob right? I feel like I remember you being a grobb player. The timeless isle should be popping off for grobb.


the only downside of MoP for me was I felt let down were the dungeons, there was 6 (plus the redone scholo and SM) and no additional ones added later. Wasn’t a huge fan of most of them.

Raid wise I thought all the raid tiers were really interesting and I liked the return of world bosses

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They didn’t miss the point. More expansions = more money they earn from wow tokens. There’s a reason they haven’t touched GDKPs in this version

wrath vs cata, whatever. But i will say I absolutely hate RETAIL. Mostly because is designed for the solo casual player.

Yeah I don’t remember having a dislike towards them but I don’t remember much being a standout either. It’s pre m+ so you leveled in them and got some basic gear in them but other than that it was pretty gg for mop instances. It’s even pre mythic, so they were left behind.

I was big into PvP at the time though, and every day was just a fun day. Siege of org is also the raid that got me into raiding. It was able to break my cycle after many years of just exclusively pvping.

Is a shame that the instances aren’t up to par though

yet they will ban you for receiving illicit gold that you are unaware of. This lands solely on blizzard. Stop banning the victim and ban the source. Get your house in order Blizzard. This is on you.

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Yup. I’ve been been saying this.
This is NOT Classic… Welcome to Retail 2.0

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No, you just missed the point. Classic is a snapshot of the Era at the time it is not reference to some Trilogy

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yeah, whatever

Cata was my first legit expansion from start to finish. Never realized how easy of the flow the overall mechanics were. Like it’s a perfect combo between talent trees and class skills, leveling isn’t stupidly easy, progression is nice. Like this expac was the sweet spot imho

Wrath of the “raid logger who seemingly only loves Wrath because the internet has told them to love Wrath despite its many shortcomings” seriously messed with peoples brains.

Its as if Arthas has turned them into mindless zombies irl.

PS: I don’t hate Wrath by any means its just objectively a middling expansion but Arthas sooo…