Blizzard missed the point!

You’re a bum…clearly you need to learn and better understand things.

No, bum.

You’re just an old man who convinced themselves that the original trilogy is “peak wow and nothing else can ever compare and these are the greatest games ever made and everyone will love it forever and forever and nothing could ever top them”, then got introduced to all the people who don’t share your same sentiment, so you go on and cope about how “cata is retail” and “wotlk was when it was best” and “if it aint broke dont fix it”, and “this is a slap in the face”.

You’re an old man stuck in 09, and no one feels sympathy anymore for you and your people. You’re so unbelievably annoying, putting down everything you’re too ignorant to understand as “retail” because it took you 18 months to finally come around to play “the best game” and now it’s gone for literally the same thing but better.

Yeah is right.

You saying “Do you want to try that again?” is not hostile, but me saying “Do you want to try that again?” is hostile?


Now im being hostile for the record.

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You’re a gross individual.

I am loving cata.

80% of the player base quit halfway through this time, people not understanding midway through Wrath was when people truly started quitting. The pit in their chest at the thought of leaving the character they put so much time into kept them going until Cata hit. By then they didn’t even give it a chance.

Only 2 reasons why I decided midway through Wrath that this was it:

  1. Cata is coming
  2. Accountwide stuff.

From what I’ve gathered TotGC was when people really started thinking about heading out

I don’t know about ‘people’, and neither do you. I can tell what I did, and what my friends and guildies have said. Many said the changes to Wrath, many said Cata is coming.
I don’t know/remember if TotGC was simultaneous with the announcement of Cata or not.

“Neither do you”


TotGC was not synonymous with the Cata announcement and many people would agree it was the start of the downfall with Dungeon Finder being added.

The more you know!

does not mean simultaneous

The more you know

still works, don’t care

Nice response :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

that was ICC, not ToGC

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