Blizzard missed the point!

Blizzard missed the damn point on classic. Why did they bring back classic in the first place? Because people wanted it, they didn’t like when Cataclysm started changing things. WoTLK was when it was best. There is a saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” By adding Cataclysm, they basically slapped the players in the face.It’s annoying, Please at least make a server that is strictly WoTLK! Stop trying to force us to play retail.


Good luck and I hope you get your era server.


I much preferred cata over wrath.

Wrath was good because the lich king.

Cats actually made the game somewhat fluid


Sorry, but the Era Andy’s are in the minority. I have no doubt Blizzard has done a cost benefit analysis and has decided that they are not implementing era servers. Now, you have two choices:

  1. Move on and play cata.
  2. Move on and play something else.

I see no forcing of anyone to play retail.


you have 3 versions of classic era and cata if you do not want to play retail. they aren’t forcing you to do anything.

inb4 someone quotes me and says “cata = retail” confirming they have no clue what retail actually is and just use it as a boogey man word


some think the only reason we play classic is the world.

I play for the class design honestly


When I was like 13, I agreed. I screeched out about the old world, I missed Darkshore, and I missed Westfall, and I liked my big talent tree because bigger was better, and I wanted my energy regen build (hybrid build), and I whined about it.

Then I got good at the game.

The cata changes are direct improvements to literally everything I just listed. The old world is dead and useless, only relevance being the instances you get into via RDF. Hybrids are stupid by design, going all the way back to TBC changing the design of hybrids to actually have use as a specialized role allowing Rets, Boomkins, Shamans to be free from the shackles of “heal or get replaced”, and now with Cata the talents reflect that as well.

Yeah I thought the same thing when I was 13.

Then I got good at the game.

What’s annoying is all the wrath andies having no actual argument for LK other than tearing Cata down.

If Wrath was so good, it could stand on it’s own merits, but instead every post HAS TO attack Cata in order to make Wrath seem better. Weird.


but but but cata is reeeeetail because cata uses the three choice talent system instead of a tree just like reeeetail does.

/sarcasm, and yes, I know the talent system I just stated was actually MOP’s. They don’t though lmao


Porkwater think Diemos in echo chamber of the same 10 people actually interested in retail 1.0

:cut_of_meat: :ocean:

You are free to not like Cataclysm for whatever distorted reasons you have, but don’t speak for others. I liked Wrath a lot, but the heroic dungeons were not nearly on the same level as TBC’s were. Cataclysm’s heroic dungeons were much closer to TBC and I really enjoyed running them with my friends. No, I didn’t raid much during WotLK, I had raided 4-5 days a week in Vanilla and TBC and needed a break from that life.

I can only speak for myself, revamp of the old zones in Cataclysm was great as it did a lot to address the absolutely atrocious quest flow that the older expansions had (WotLK and TBC less so, but it still wasn’t great).

And why can’t you nostalgia-blinded neckbeards just comment on each others posts? We don’t need 50+ posts with you all whining about Cataclysm Classic. It’s all the same “arguments” that are immediately rendered moot by saying “Cataclysm = Retail” which is laughably wrong.


I was hog tied and forced to log into Retail WoW… I can’t believe it… I’m just furious now…


You can really forget about these kinds of answers…

Above all, such statements only ever apply when you yourself are benefiting from them or want to protect something existing that somehow makes you better off.

Completely wrong, but that’s what we’re used to from the politics of those in power…

People don’t want to accept wow was not fun until MoP

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Agreed; Cataclysm pretty much nuked the talent trees, and was the first real step at dumbing down the game. I get that it’s all about money, and making leveling easy. There are few players I know who were here at the start who didn’t drop somewhere after Cata dropped.

Classic is going to be another dead end ghost town…with everyone bailing for SOD for good. Until, of course, Blizz dumps a Cata SOD build.


Yeah Blizz is in a really weird spot now - like do they keep this train going? MoP > WoD > etc. ? Why call it Classic? Why re-release expansions that undoubtedly took us AWAY from the Classic experience.

Makes you question the leadership.


was cata when player rotations were one button and bosses had one mechanic?
Or when raid comps were 14 warriors?

I can’t remember


I logged into Retail other day and it was just overwhelming and so convoluted. I never left town and logged off. It’s just not WoW anymore and they should have TBC/Wrath servers. They should do seasonal events like the MoP one but not funnel you into Retail.

I do agree they did miss the point and now we are back to where we started. If you want to play older versions of the game you have to go to a private server.

Since Cata is here I do hope they make drastic changes though cause why not. Redo the talent trees instead of their current terrible design. Give players more points and let them freely make hybrids.

They really should of kept Wrath servers though. Real shame.


I agree with you. I wish we had era servers and you could just progress from one server to the next with just a server move (even if paid)

Haven’t played in awhile but still prefer the older versions - I paid for the 6 month sub on one of my accounts

I used to think Wrath was the best when it came out & I was almost 40 but now I go back to classic the most. The art design went from bright and colorful to kinda grim dark & trying to be too realistic

I love early EQ & it would have been perfect if not for the forced grouping - it was literally D&D online. Vanilla was the closest thing because the devs saw what was wrong with EQ and made it so you could level to cap (hard) or just group up to make it easy

Still not sold on the trilogy, but the MoP era season looks fun simply because of the setting - the gameplay changes mean nothing to me


Day late and dollar short on this. You come in here with your 1st post, level 23, and want to fight for a game that’s already gone. I had over 9k (before Blizzard wiped it) in classic, crusade, and wrath. I actually fought for them. The community (AND Blizzard) hated it. They wanted this, and they got it. That fight is over.


Vanilla > TBC > CATA > WOTLK

Cata is just Wrath, but actually good and not just rose tinted goggles