Blizzard missed the point!

numbers dont agree with my opinion? lol i dont think thats how opinion works.

To say numbers don’t agree with you is to say the numbers show that your opinion is a distinct minority view and that the data shows your opinion is factually incorrect.

Cata > wrath

by a lot

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Semantics friend

Lmao. Oh no you went from copypasting the only viable spec from an online guide to copypasting the only viable spec from an online guide but with half as many points. The horror!

Now go ahead, try and pretend otherwise like every other classic andy. “No bro, no way bro, I specced 26/23/22 and was a unique player man, those talents were true choices”.

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No it’s not, it’s dragonflight specs, dragonflight classes, dragonflight talents, dragonflight mechanics stuck into Pandaria’s world with a bunch of that content like PvP and Challenge modes missing. It’s not even remotely comparable to MoP classic.


So you could say they revamped it - i never said it was like MoP classic. I said it was a revamped MoP - so we agree that it is not MoP classic… haha

should have progressions servers for all expacs imo. i still shift around
era, cata n retail

While I agree with most of your post your ending falls incredibly flat. Retail is better than it’s ever been. Including Cata/Wrath. The problem you glossed over is the rose tinted goggles and humans inability to accept when they are wrong or to acclimate to change. Dragonflight is a subtle masterpiece and an ode to all the good parts of different eras of WoW over the years. Many people don’t know or understand this though because they just go “haha retail bad femboi dragons” and never look back.

If they double down on DF philosophy going forward into the word soul trilogy I have no doubts that WoW will be king of the MMORPGs for another decade.

I could see them continuing on to Mists of Pandaria, though it would be nice if they did a possible The Burning Crusade or Wrath era server perhaps even fresh at that or even a few fresh vanilla servers.

i actually lost the point of my response lol. but what people want, what people think is “better”, are all different.

It’s all relative. WoW was the casual MMO back then. It’s just compared to anything after TBC, it became even more casual. Everyone i knew quit mid TBC, or after Sunwell. Wrath was just a totally different game which was the first xpac that saw large losses in subscribers.

Cata has shockadin proper, I am unbothered and moisturized in my lane.

The only thing these threads show is that there is zero consensus in the community as to what they want so who cares. Just rotate through the expansions, everyone will get what they want at some point, and the ones that don’t probably want some weird, esoteric b.s. that was never going to happen and should just stick to their illicit means of playing.

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I think we were many who were disappointed that Wrath was not how we remembered it - I know I was. But I mainly blame Blizz for releasing Wrath on the last - and super-easy - patch, had they chosen progression - staying true to the old timeline- we would have had way more fun during the ride.

With Era servers for all expansions. Many of us do NOT want to lose our progress regularly.

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I have to agree with you. I log into CATA and I feel like apocalypse everywhere. Everything is broken and so many things are not the way we enjoy playing the game. They could have done themselves justice on the server move and kept a few Wotlk Servers to see what the demand was like. I bet they would have been surprised at how many of us veteran players would not have moved to Cata. The game saddens me to log onto now and even with my friends here I am considering not playing anymore.


Claiming X is better than Y is subjective. It doesn’t distinguish any useful facts or information from reality. It only serves to show us which rose colored glass you choose to wear. It also ignores the poorly designed aspects of game design present in Dragonflight.

You assume change is necessary, you assume that people are wrong in their preference. You cannot be wrong when it comes to what you prefer. If you prefer Dragonflight because you thinks it’s some ‘subtle masterpiece’ then you are correct in your opinion.

Enjoy Dragonflight. Does not change the fact People Preferred Not Dragonflight, but Were Not Given That Option. Every time this discussion happens, it’s always boiled down to what you are giving Blizzard a free pass to do vs what other people are not willing to give them a free pass for.

This turns into some people staying subbed, buying an expansion, while others, do not. This also leads to categorically awful announcements such as ‘we’ve had over 100 million unique players play wow over it’s lifespan’ meanwhile having less than 5 million concurrents for the last 14 years. Since Cata, you know, the mistake they are now repeating.

Um, no? I don’t take issue with the dry-chores-af-grind nature of DF. I just don’t do any of it. I level to cap, pvp til capped out, log next character, rinse, repeat, because the rest of this game is so dry and undeveloped in any meaningful capacity, you’d wonder if they even have the rights to World of Warcraft with the nonsense they keep trying to get us excited about.

The only exciting feature of Dragonflight (also the only new feature) is the dragon flying system, which is basically using your camera control as a flight stick, rather than just linear motion flying. It’s honestly a cheap hack at adding dynamic flight, and the minute you realize this, it stops being appealing.

Yes, they did a lot to make DF compelling. Wonder why it still fell far short of anything compelling. Because… and here’s the quiet part being said aloud… Dragonflight and every expansion content before it is intended only to make line go up with an increase in subs and box sales.

If players like it, enjoy it, have a good time playing it, all irrelevant. Because another bump in subs/box sales is already planned and being prepared for you to consume, like the worlds worst tasting sandwich buffet.

Wow is completely truncated, lacking in any continuity or meaningful progression. The fact they have no solid design philosophy to speak of in any capacity during any development cycle, citing arbitrary decisions that run completely counter to prior arbitrary decions, the title ‘best MMO’ couldn’t be emptier.

Add to that the fact that every other MMO is trying to copy the soulless cash milking design of Wow, and that’s the only reason why Wow could ever be #1 at anything.

Assuming change is needed, assuming people are incorrect. When you give someone access to something they enjoy, the fact they enjoy it, the way they enjoy, become the important part of that equation.

Not changes or being correct. When a developer thinks they know better than the people playing their game, reality takes over and proves them incorrect. The fact that Wow has been incapable of maintaining remotely consistent concurrents, and the actual numbers we have access to, kinda prove they really don’t know what they are doing.

You can cite DF as being ‘best as wow has ever been’ but that’s almost a nonexistent bar when you destroy the replay-ability of your game every time new content releases.

‘It’s the best game it’s ever been’ he claims, standing next to the smoldering husk of the previous expansion that no one is going to spend time playing once the new thing drops.

If you can’t understand the fundamental incompatibility inherent within their game design, your opinion is nonexistent.

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Arguably right. I played cata and MoP was the fresh air it needed- and people bashed it because pandas.

Pandas saved the game

I think we need pve, PvP, rp, and PvP rp servers for each era personally. We should split up the playerbase as much as possible. If we have more then 5 players per server that is too many!!!11122onetwo1111!1!!6::

True. We all know cats are fluid.

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