Blizzard Logic is getting confusing

You literally only know about Voodoo Shuffle from the Method Jaina fight.

More Blizzard logic
Blizzard: Kul Tiran single target knockback is OP in pvp
Blizzard again: Hunters AOE knockback is fine in Eye of the Storm and Alterac Valley.

I love how everyone who’s calling them OP has absolutely no PvP or PVE credentials, but still feels the need to whine about something that won’t even work in most practical situations.


Must not be to OP. Didn’t help Rastakhan did it? Poor guy forgot to use his racial ability I guess.


Lots of different aspects of this game suffer from contradictory design philosophies.

“You can’t have PvP vendors because players might not be able to find them and you could make a bad purchase. Oh and here’s your Azerite vendor, go nuts”

“Rewards should match the difficulty of the content in which you earn it. Now here, have a piece of Heroic Raid quality gear for AFK’ing through a Warfront”

“We nerfed XP gains because we feel like leveling a new character should be meaningful. Also no we aren’t going to fix anything from past expansions because it’s all old content and obsolete”

“We removed Master Looter because guilds were abusing split runs. 6 months later when World First guilds find a way around Personal Loot and are still doing split runs High end guild are always going to abuse the system therefore we give up on trying to stop them, however we still aren’t giving back Master Looter.”

I’m sure there’s more.


Oh thanks. I love dropping the stuck in combat bug after being trapped there for years!

Personally, I don’t care what the racial is, I won’t be playing a troll. Those toes :face_vomiting:

Breaks on any damage done, including dot ticks. Cannot be used while absorbing damage either, as it will break. The only class that will really benefit from Regeneratin’ in combat will be something like a paladin with divine shield. Turtle still forces ticking damage.

Convenient how we always forget to mention these things.

It was broken because at the high-end, people would be able to set up their own polymorphs and their own traps via the knock back and stun. Not to mention the fact that Z axis maps are absolute pains already and adding a racial knock back to classes like monks and shaman who have knock backs of their own in addition to it would be bad juju.

Maybe Blizzard is Trolling people…:upside_down_face:

Seems like divine shield do not prevent regenerating to stop with damage.

That is their excuse for everything they have removed from the game. Its basically “youre just to stupid to enjoy this we will show you how to play.”

Now I actually want to level a Horde toon and get exalted with the Zandalari.

if Blizz was really serious about faction imbalance they would do away with all in combat racials. Make them all convenience things like pack hobgoblin, or mole machine. Seems pretty simple to me.

yep no rogue is going to smoke bomb regen,blind run behind pillar regen and vanish and regen.

no rogue would ever take advantage of regen.

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It’s only confusing because you’re trying to understand something that isn’t really there.

Just about every class has a self heal and if tanks swap off… a healer will STILL be expected to heal them to full rather than use a racial.

It’s more a solo/PvP advantage than a PvE one. If everyone is doing their job right then the Zandalari will never need to use it and since it doesn’t add to DPS or reduce CC it isn’t going to assist with world firsts.

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This post is hilarious.

After watching a bunch of the Sping Cup 2019 whatever its called arena tourney, I can only think this will happen with people not playing very well.

No one had 6 seconds to be left alone.

And honestly…at that point it sounds more like a 6 second CC.

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you dont need to do the full 6 secs 3 sec from half health will be full heal.

I guess it just still looks like you’d be blowing a lot of abilities to leave your team mates in the dark.

Now you just created a 3v2 situation that you aren’t in position to help.