Blizzard live chat hours

Does anyone know when the live chat is open?

The answer to that is “rarely” it seems. It is open during business hours, if available, for some Billing, account access, and Tech Support issues.

If the ticket queues get long they close it though, which is pretty often. I don’t think it has been open in a while due to the queues. They have all hands on deck answering tickets which, for most issues, helps the most players in the shortest time.

What issue do you have? Maybe you can get some good advice here to help resolve it.


My account has been banned for Hacking/exploiting/cheating says the email I received. I have submitted an appeal but I have read on reddit that the first appeal is always denied. So not only am I waiting for a denial email, I am looking at having to submit a second appeal and waiting for the second ticket to be answered.

I did not use any 3rd party software, the only thing I used were addons from curseforge. no autohotkey, or anything automated. everything I did was a manual player input.

Sorry to tell you this but, live chat (along with call back just to get it out of the way), isn’t a means of appeal, never have. All you can do is wait for your appeal to be handled. Talking to someone won’t be able to handle this.


I just don’t know how this happened other than being mass reported. I was able to obtain some high value items for cheap and was re-selling them in trade chat and I believe was mass reported resulting in the ban.

If I managed to get unbanned I am leaving trade chat and will only use the AH from now on…

Mass reporting is both very rare and entirely ineffective if nothing was found wrong with the account. Now yes, accidental bans happen but it’s not because X amount of players may have reported you.

The only action you can take at this time is to keep appealing the ban.


The ONLY thing that mass-reporting can do to your account is squelch it. Meaning, you are not able to chat (for the most part) in-game. Despite all the nonsense that some “players” attempt to get people to believe, you cannot be banned or suspended from multiple reports.

As others have mentioned, you will need to wait on your ticket. Live chat was never an option for appealing account actions.


Blizzard does not allow people to argue their case with a live GM. Never has. People attempting to falsify ticket reasons to get to a real person, is one of the reasons it is so limited. Also one of the reasons the dial in number went away, among many others.

Your ONLY option is to appeal via ticket. You can appeal repeatedly until they tell you that your Bnet account is at risk if you keep going on that particular issue.

That is highly improbable. They might get you chat squelched for advertising if you were spammy, but beyond that they can’t do anything to you. Chat offenses don’t usually result in an account closure for third party software. Totally different category.

Your category of ban means the account was flagged for some sort of software definition or behavior that matches cheating/botting parameters the Hacks team was looking for. There can be false positives on that if the detection criteria were incorrect. So appeal and hope for the best if you really did not use any out of game macros, automation, botting, etc.


Nope nothing automated. The only thing I can think of was that I created a list of valueable items in an auctionator shopping list and was scanning the AH for cheap items to resell. It was all player input - no external software - just addons.

Have you ever programed macros into your mouse or keyboard? That could do it as well. Anyone else use the computer? Programs like autohotkey and isboxer even not being used can trigger this.


Nope no macros such that you mentioned and I am the only person who uses this PC.

Gonna be blunt with this on here: Trying to find a reason here won’t do anything good as it’d just get the thread lock. It’s fine trying to find how to appeal, but talking about account action (like trying to find out what may or may not curse it) would not really help as the appeal team don’t take any outside information.


As others have said, keep appealing until they inform you that you can no longer do so without severe consequences. That’s the only way to get it looked at and possibly overturned. Every appeal you submit, will go to a different person to get fresh eyes on it.

I don’t know how true that is, but it sounds like speculation at best.

I truly hope that it is overturned for you as I assume you’re being honest. Just keep appealing and I wish you good luck!


Yep exactly this. Noone here has any information on what caused your account to be banned. Anything we come up with will be, at best, wild speculation, which isn’t really helpful.


Dont worryy, i’m going through the same situation. It’s not because you were trying to sell stuff in trade, i assure you. I’d just advise making another account until blizz gets around to the appeal. Unfortunately there’s nothing else you can do.

Well my first appeal just got denied and I was given a copy/paste reply. Not surprised.

lol i was literally about to edit my message to tell you, its jsut an automated message, linking you the code of conduct yeah?

i just closed that one and opened another earlier, just 2 days until i find out if i get a human reposnse or another bot

Yep it is exactly

yeah i’m just playing on wow1 on the same acc just fine, but none of my characters obviously. at least this way you can track the ticket timer

Weve been over this theres no automated reply to apeals template not automated.