it’s really not a nerf. It’s a buff.
It was possible to cleave for just a little, but now it will be even harder. Now Velen is likely to only die more than he already did.
With this change, you made it SOOOOO MUCH harder to move shades to boss.
If the ads auto agro to tank that be ok but when they just Yolo to velen just 50% nerf boss both phases and reduce knockback then we’re all happy
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Well it’s obvious they want the mage tower to be for top 1%. They’re not even addressing the concerns with people
Exploiting the scaling system.
Using old expansion gear and old enchantments to just be competitive and exploit the scaling on this challenge shows how out of touch they are.
My gear in wearing is ridiculous and stupid. But this is the gear i wear to get kruul to 15%. That’s my wall right now.
It really goes to show that people at blizz have no idea what is going on in there own game, and probably don’t have anyone on their team actually doing these challenges. This change made the encounter much harder then it already was when they have literally the simplest fix possible they could do, revert back to PTR levels of HP and everyone will be happy.
Using sockets is not a exploit my guy.
ilvl 50 gear with sockets > ilvl 50 gear without sockets.
Its not an exploit when thats what Blizzard wants us to do. Especially since all of our borrowed power is shut off
I’m kind of a noob in mage tower but wouldn’t it make it so you could aggro the blue mobs with a self heal and then just move away from them once they start casting since they don’t move now? Wouldn’t that mean you could stay in boomkin form the whole fight and just move out of the way since they don’t follow you while casting?
The mobs follow you while channeling still, just not while casting. So basically if they are in a bad spot, like say on velen, and start casting, you F’d where as before you could just move them. Or for instance if you have to move, and they are casting - they won’t move and start channeling - and you then can’t roar until they are in range and most likely you will take a tick (from all 4) before you can roar it. This change was just stupid.
Also, with P2 already hectic, if the adds start casting, and you have to move, everything is going to get spread out, and most likely you just gonna eat it, or velen will eat it.
Ah okay I get it.
My thought process was that when the gates they come from appear just put a regrowth on yourself, causing them to run over to you spam dps on main boss then move out of the way since they don’t move while casting making you able to have more uptime on boss dps
Guardian bear is a nightmare. I’m already in debt with gold repairs, It only feels like Blizzard is going to nerf it AFTER Mage Tower ends, and we have to wait more months to play it again if it’ll even come back.
Not an exploit? They said this can be done in shadowlands gear.
Yet most people that have completed it are in insanely dumb gear that scales weird, exploiting the scaling system. How many have done it in 100% shadowlands hear
Literally it’s an exploit by definition. Finding a flaw in a system for an advantage is what an exploit is.
Tbh they should do more stuff like this to get the economy and crafting going again.
The MT has an unintended consequence of making that stuff relevant and fun again.
Also there’s nothing wrong with farming for old gear. I wish they’d do more stuff like this just to give use to those items aside from mogs.
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Don’t forget all the people that used the soul trap exploit.
how is using gear from other expansions an exploit?
thats just playing the game. you can do it in either other expac gear, crafted legion gear, or in SL gear.
This really just goes to show that they did not even bother to play test before pushing this hotfix out 
We did just get a 7% hp nerf. Anyone that was getting to p2 consistently should probably be able to down the encounter now which is good.
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Huge nerf. No one has a legit excuse to not beat it or need to cheese anymore. It’s very bearable with off the shelf gear now and minimal optimization.