So over 2 days later Mage Tower is still not tuned? (you win, I quit)

It is. Generally frost mages that cant really handle it have troubles with kiting. As with most of the challenges people just need to try and learn it or watch a guide on it to get better at the fight. Most of them feel impossible at the start but after 10-15 pulls you get a better hang of it. I couldn’t get past 80% on the BM hunter one for like 13 pulls and it felt impossible but after watching a playthrough or 2 I managed to down it in another 10.

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Leave the tower as is. It’s just transmog, not player power. This is what torghast should have been.

I tried it on my rogue and got destroyed. Stupid, ridiculously hard, but I really don’t care. Let the die-hard, want the game to have a “challenge”, if running at the same boss over and over again for hours on end with rng or a single mistake having to start over again an idea of fun.

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You were saying?


Hopefully after their work stoppage is over they can come do some work to the game.

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You may be a little new, but in WoD they ilvl capped you for the challenge mode dungeons

So careful when you use the word “always”

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Cool, just because YOU don’t care doesn’t mean everyone else has to adopt your crappy mindset. The majority of testers, posters and misc said it was overtuned EVEN BLIZZARD admitted this.

So yeah, tune it properly. Don’t leave it overtuned just because the rewards are cosmetic…


The link I posted is substantial nerfs to Kruul’s HP for three different specs. It has nothing to do with adds.

Ahh. I’m not in that pool so know nothing of it beyond other’s complaints.

I mean, there’s more to challenges then straight up skill. Yes I had to go farm some equipment, but it’s a challenge system. Why is it bad to spend a few days trying for different loot. I mean, it’s still day 3-4 on what is supposed to be a challenge.

Honestly, it should be 80% skill with 20% gear to smooth over/compensate for weaker players. I did this, as frost mage with a crappy legendary before Tomb and it took a bunch of attempts because I had no idea how to cycle frost orb and reset with blizzard, but after I figured it out I beat the challenge and it felt great.

Now? I already know all the tricks/mechanics. And I can’t win because my gear isn’t good enough? Let me use my legendary/artifact then!

I beat this before, it shouldn’t be harder now!


Awww. The tower kicking yer booty? :rofl:

LOL and?

iLevel capping isn’t the same as gear templates. Stat weights still mattered.

So many whiny babies.
Some nerfs have been made.


Ya right and why are you whining today ?

Whining about whiners, Whineception.

you played for almost all legion? why didn’t you do mage tower then? there is nothing special about this version of mage tower.

In any case, if you think playing for two years straight is an achievement - they will never make a game for you. The cost to produce this game is more than they can make from your types.

Frost mage is the easiest class to do the twins, git gud

…then what’s the point of having scaling

Scaling just means stats get squashed but the way you allocate those stats still matters as do the various effect from Trinkets, etc.

The dude with multiple special characters in his name specifically said it shouldn’t matter how much Haste or Crit he has and that’s completely wrong.