Blizzard - It's almost 2025. All mounts should be able to Fly now

YES! Or at the very least 250. We already proved they can do it with the Chromie Codex. Why not leave regular ground at 100 and bump fast ground to 200/250? Excellent suggestion.

How bout you and I take a little trip to Karazhan in game, and let’s find out :rofl:

If you make my motorcycle fly I’ll quit the game!

thats how they will sell you all the next 90$ mount!

Hmmm. Part of me wants to agree and part of me wants to tell you to shut up and let me fly.

Cataclysm added (very) lightsabers

I appreciate the tip, but motorcycles are real and lightsabers largely aren’t. Even if they’re “(very)”.

Just make it so the bikes can fly.

Then don’t Fly on them.

Don’t deny me the option because you have a different opinion.

Nah, I think I’ll keep my opinion as is.

And I’m fairly sure Blizzard agrees with me, hence why they didn’t make all mounts compatible with skyriding when they had the opportunity to do so.

Sometimes someone’s fantasy is stupid. Stupid fantasies should not be catered to.

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Yes lets keep letting the art team devote time to mounts no one ever will use. Such good sound logic.

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There’s this one socially inept poster who I love seeing ramble in threads like this. Always makes for a good read, in both ways. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Just because you don’t use the mounts, doesn’t mean no one does.

You can’t speak for every WoW player, just yourself and those you know.

I would love it if my Meat Wagon flew. Do bombing runs of rotten meat.

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Want a flying spinning turtle like in FFXIV!


running through the major cities I see ZERO ground mounts outside of the vendor mounts.

We could just add a mount equipment for having tmog/vendor on the mount. That would solve your weird stance of hating people showing off mounts while also making ground mounts useful

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Ff14 does it, and it’s fine.

Just take their swim animations and bam. Even Dragonflight on certain mounts is already embarrassingly bad. So it’s not like they are trying to uphold some level of quality. Get on a flying horse mount and like a cloud serpent and do the barrel roll and tell me there’s an aspect of quailty between the two.

Just rip the bandaid off you cowards.

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Okay, again can you see every servers players? On all realms including EU and China? No? Didn’t think so.

Stick to what you know and don’t speak for others.

I think that parody ship sailed fifteen years ago.

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CAN YOU SEE EVERY PLAYER EVER WHO CARES IF ITS 1/2.9million LETS MAKE THE GAME JUST FOR HIM HURUP DURP. What a horrible argument. Lets keep wasting time on ground mount guys this human paladin likes to afk for 5mins in a city, forget other stuff we gotta appease this zero creativity guy.

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