You’re making the claim that because ‘you’ don’t see people on ground mounts, that every ground mount should now fly even though it’s completely stupid.
So yeah I’m going to push back.
Again, I’m all for ‘some’ mounts that currently can’t fly, being able to fly. Like say, the Fallen Charger. It’s a ghostly mount, it should get the same animations as the Paladin and Warlock class mounts from Legion and be able to fly. That’s fair.
But yaks, brutosaurs, battle bears, boars, turtles, core hounds etc. They need to stay on the ground.
I don’t think all mounts should be able to fly. I think a flying yak is stupid, I think a flying brutosaur is stupid. I think a flying turtle is stupid.
Some mounts should not be able to fly.
You have a MASSIVE amount of flying mounts to choose from, especially now that all of them have access to skyriding. You can go without the ones that should obviously be on the ground.
And my opinion ain’t changing, no matter what your reply is.
We have flying horses, flying rabbits, flying mice, flying carpets, flying jellyfish, really yeah what’s the big deal letting everything fly using magic?