Yep, someone is definitely mad. Good news though, all of the other QoL stuff we have been asking for has come true. So I am just waiting til Midnight, or Last Titan for the announcement of player housing and a brand new profession “Woodworker” that will let us make staves, bows, and FURNITURE! Then, my RP life will be complete… and you will be uninstalling Elden Ring cause you got bored and miss WoW.
maybe a few , but most classic players like me do not care about flight, I did not even mind the Maw.
Even in a world with no other video games I wouldn’t waste my time decorating a house in a medieval fantasy game.
I enjoy the Maw, Korthia, and even Timeless Isle when I have nothing better to do. Even the new Isle we are getting in 11.07 has no flying, the same way Island Adventures in BfA were ground only. Not being bothered by it is not the same as demanding its removal. Only a dense numbskull would tell Blizz to ditch flying knowing how much money they make from selling annual passes with flying mounts, or collector’s (Epic) editions with flying mounts.
I still use ground mounts all the time in pvp.
exactly what I said. lmao
who is ‘you people’? This some veiled bigoted thing because my skin is brown son?
lmao…said the joker who wants to keep WoW in the dark ages.
Good, you don’t have to. That’s the beauty of player housing. If designed correctly, it’s completely optional and only serves as a cosmetic gold sink.
The most it would have is quality of life changes like setting your hearthstone to your house and maybe having things like an auction house or banker etc. But that’s nothing that you can’t do in a current city.
Dumbo can fly with its ears, the Brutosaur can propel its self with that massive tail and yeah like someone said just add magic and they can fly. Also it remains optional, you don’t have to fly if it doesn’t fit your fantasy.
I’ve wanted this for years. I remember, the Heartbond Lupine used to use the swimming animation when it flew. Can’t they just do the same for other mounts, until they have time to make a real animation for them?
No thanks, waste of time. There are plenty of flying mounts.
They come in here hot, foaming at the mouth TELLING me how to play my game…how to spend MY money…telling me not to ask for changes Id like to see…they can…how did did he say it above…urinate off.
Ill CONTINUE asking for changes…I dont need some no name users approval in here to post.
and I’ll spend MY $$$ on any damned thing I choose to…including $90 mounts I like.
The arrogance of some no name nobody on the interwebs thinking they can tell me what I can and cant purchase, LMAO
A lot of the flying mounts just use their running animation in steady flight.
Works for me.
its no different than collecting transmogs and toys. They dont have any real bearing on the game…just some side thing we do.
Housing would…should…be exactly the same.
Dont want to participate…dont. Its that simple.
but some of them think they laughably have some authority in here to TELL you not to keep badgering blizzard about housing.
Just makes it funnier when we’re asking for it.
but he’d rather have his nose in everyone elses game lol.
thats how a list of them roll in here…miserable lives, obviously, in here perpetually trying to tell US what we’re allowed to ask for and how to play our game
“The game’s already unrealistic!!!”
You want a damn flying wolf, there was one added all the way back in 9.2 that’s still obtainable. How about you stop trying to further minimize the need for choice in this game? They shouldn’t give brutosaurs the power to fly, not because it’s “unrealistic” or it would “break my immersion”, but because one of those things being used as a skyriding mount and running on air across the Isle of Dorn at Mach 3 would just be stupid, even in relevance to some of the transmog items put out recently.
You have not been playing the game, or even reading what’s been posted on this board. Everyone who can/could afford them uses the transmog yak, the transmog bear, and either of the brutosaur mounts for the convenience, and the second brutosaur’s mere existence caused a bit of a stir.
Your yak isn’t undead and doesn’t have wings, or any other magical alteration.
who is ‘you people’? This some veiled bigoted thing because my skin is brown son?
No. You sissy furries who want every game to be Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
The manly man said…as he played his cute little druid doggy in his video games.
when you stop playing video games, grow a beard and take a job as a lumberjack or a oil rigger…THEN maybe I’ll not bust out in hysterical laughter and being called ‘sissy’ by your sort, lmao
No! So many mounts should only fly if I threw them at you. This is really who cares topic.
nah, ground mounts should stay ground. what they need is to be buffed to 300% speed instead of just 100% speed.
Warlocks are supposed to be able to fly without mounts as per the book on the Sundering.
You know where there is no flying… Hello Kitty Island Adventure. How bout you log out of here and go enjoy it?