Blizzard is too reactive

Only rank 13. Nothing of value for me at Rank 14 as a Feral Druid.

So yes, I am serious about that. Not doing it isn’t an option for me. I have to do BGs if I want to rank. That or I don’t get my BiS.

? did not know that, or dont remember anyways.

I miss kiting world bosses across the map though

And you were expecting to hit rank 13 without BG’s regardless?

If bgs were not a thing then ranking in world pvp would be viable.

The Spy addon has been a hot topic since release. So maybe you are just out of touch?

DPS meters are not a critical element and can be parsed after the battle from the log.

Also if you believe this garbage about Spy working better - by all means load it up and keep leaning on it. I spot targets visually 9 out of 10 times now before Spy gets a hit (post nerf). Those that are actively turning their camera and being aware of their environment will do much better than those that exclusively use Spy.

I feel like a lot of the stuff in these threads is just addon users trying to misdirect to get changes undone. Don’t let them fool you - Spy is not working better than before.

Uh, yes? Rank isn’t based on total honor earned; only your relative standing compared to other earners.

If you only get 10k honor each week, but you’re the highest earner of honor on your realm and faction, you will still hit Rank 14.


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Which has nothing to do with how informative they are, or how well they measure contribution to the team. You could legit argue that everything in this game is used in the way you describe it.

And you are still going to be capped by the max ranks you can gain per week and also how much others are grinding.

Okay? So what?

You still get to rank 14 eventually. BGs aren’t at all necessary for ranking, they simply change what you have to do in order to earn rank.

Instead of PvPing, I grab flags.

If BGs didn’t come out, I’d have gotten rank 13 doing PvP in the world.

And why should BG’s wait until everyone who wants to grind out a high rank in wpvp has it?

Because some people like world PvP and this is the only time in Classic that we’ll have a chance to reasonably rank up by doing it.

For the entire rest of the game, you’ll have BGs.

Let me reverse the question: Why should BGs be rushed out for people who want them?

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Because the vast vast majority of people will never get a high rank regardless of BG’s. Yet a lot of those people will be able to experience BG’s.

If they won’t get a high rank regardless of BGs, then there’s no reason to rush releasing BGs for them. They can just wait while people who will get a high rank despite not having BGs do so.

Then they’ll get to experience BGs, anyway. Why should the world PvP “meta” of ranking be limited to a single month?

It doesn’t matter what your answer is, since Blizzard has decided that will be the case, but I’ll ask rhetorically anyway.

Except there is a reason to release those BG’s. It’s something people are waiting for and want to experience.

And delaying just so a handful of people can rank up a little in wpvp punishes huge amounts of players. And let’s say they did delay BG’s the minimum time to 1 person to hit rank 14? That’s 1 person per faction per server, out of 10’s of thousands who would have prefered having BG’s earlier. What about when the second person on the server now starts whining they want rank 14 from wpvp? The amount of people impacted is incredibly low. Whereas withholding BG’s impacts far far more people.

So is ranking up in world PvP. Once BGs come, that will not be a thing anymore.

BGs aren’t like normal content. Adding them totally invalidates the other forms of PvP in terms of honor gained. BGs effectively remove PvP ranking in world PvP.

If BGs were an alternative and not just a straight superior method of farming honor, I wouldn’t really care.

Punishes them how? By allowing PvP to be useful on a PvP realm?

PvP is still going to happen, it just won’t be effective honor. All the people being “punished” are still going to be complaining about PvP on their PvP realm, it’s just that the people doing it to them won’t be getting max rank as a result.

That’s not how the ranking system works, though.

It’s the top 0.03% of honor earners, not just one person. Several people could get rank 14 the same week.

The amount of people impacted is LITERALLY EVERYONE.

Adding BGs changes the meta from world PvP to BGs. That affects every single PvPer.

If you only wanted BGs for PvP, you should just be on a PvE realm, in which case you wouldn’t be getting “punished” in the meantime.

So maybe I should have phrased that better.

Adding BG’s impacts far far more people in a positive manner than delaying them does.

First it’s going to take weeks before people can even start hitting the higher ranks. And even then there’s a very very finite amount of people who can even enjoy that.

Where as BG’s can be enjoyed by everyone from the start. If that is not your prefered method for reaching rank 13, well you are in an extreme minority and there’s no reason to screw over thousands of people.

And I am on pve realm, I would be totally cool if they would go ahead and release ZG/AQ20 on pve realms only in the mean time :slight_smile:

I think people who reach rank 13 are an extreme minority in the first place, given the nature of ranking.

Right… so basing BG release on them makes no sense.

I get that it sucks for you but… hit as a high a rank as you can in wpvp and minimize your BG grind if you dislike BG’s?

It’s not just based on people farming rank 13. What part of that is unclear? BGs being released affects the rank farming meta for everyone, not just rank 13/14 players.

This is true. Obviuosly when there is only one option for honor noone has to make choices.

What is better for more people over all is actually having choices. Yes there will be a certain point where to get the next rank you will have to switch to BG’s. But it was always unrealistic for you to think blizzard would delay BG’s until everyone had reached the rank they wanted in wpvp.