Blizzard is making a mistake with an easy solution

Well as far as I know it doesn’t remove them, you just won’t be using them while playing the MM spec.

I suppose it’s kind of like how Frost DK’s don’t use the abilities that raise or empower undead minions the way Unholy does, for the most part.

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Of course I’m for real, pick one of the other specs if you want that, it’s not like they are removing pets completely from Hunters by changing one spec out of the three.


Meaningless empty words to justify a poor decision, between pet and no pet no option is intrinsically more fantasy than the other.

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Just like complaining Arena players that use to yell so much it forced PvE changes. Now M+ runners complain enough and they get changes. The real fix would have been to allow for Primal Rage without needing to bring your pet out. Which begs the question how will MM hunters lust now without a pet? Did they actually just remove it from MM hunters making them less useful for groups?

It’s all been baked into the spec, they keep all the utility of the pet (save for having a pocket tank), but got rid of the pet. Personally I think it would have been funnier if they lost all the utility from the pet, too, give em the petless fantasy but make it come at a cost. Lmao.

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But we have zero confirmation on that. Is it going to still be Primal Rage or will it be some passive group buff? If so it could still be worse and not get MM hunters into groups over actual lust based characters. EDIT as of right now on Warcraft logs MM hunters are doing both top single and multi target DPS. So any change will most likely be a nerf.

More BM fantasy. Not MM.

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"New Ability: Harrier’s Cry – Your Eagle descends from the skies with a screech, giving the signal to attack. Increases Haste by 30% for all party and raid members for 40 seconds. Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and unable to benefit from Harrier’s Cry or similar effects again for 10 minutes. Learned at level 48. "

They’re literally just baking bloodlust into the spec as a spell that they can use, rather than being tied to a “Traditional” pet. Its just not Calledbloodlust anymore.

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More unique doesn’t mean more fantasy. The entire thing is moot anyway because hunters aren’t even losing pets, just THEIR pets.

This right here, replacing our pets that we tamed with a fixed eagle pet is the issue.


they explained nothing. they said that they want to “reimagine” marksman as a petless spec. then with the same breath, started talking about how marksman’s will now have a mandatory, non-interactable, non-changeable, non-customizable eagle PET. who is sailing this ship.

“Customization for the eagle will come later” apparently, still seems like your stuck with a bird unless you play a different spec.

It was called Primal Rage and assume still will be for BM and SV hunters. Why not just add the ability to MM hunters who use Lone Wolf? Also again any changes will be a nerf as MM hunters are top aoe and single target right now on warcraft logs.

That should be our pet out the gate. They already have the ability for the system to do this as we see it with Intimidation if you have it talented.

They also still have no real good reason to cut out pets altogether. We should still be able to summon them as we wish like we can now.

I should note I don’t mind them moving MM utility to the hunter itself. I’m annoyed they’re removing pets as not an option but at all. We should always have access to them and I don’t want to have to get a random Eagle when I have a pet I went out of my way for already.

(I also have significant issues with some of the pet based things with Pack Leader in this same patch as I also think those “rexxar” pets should just be animals pulled from our stable not some animal I don’t have a connection to.)

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That’s literally what they’re doing hoss. Primal Rage is staying on BM/SV since its baked into the pets, not the specs. And they’re adding the spell “Harriers cry” (which has the same exact effect as Primal Rage) to the MM spec Specifically, so they won’t need the pet to do “Primal Rage/Harriers Cry”.

Also, I dunno if it will be a nerf or not, from what I understand the reason they’re ontop right now is due to a bug, so who knows if they’ll remain ontop. As far as it being a nerf, yup, that happens. No spec gets to stay ontop forever.

I’m more likely to play Hunter as MM without a pet. I have never really got on with pet classes.

NGL I’m hoping they follow suit and do that for Destruction and Affliction Warlocks just allow our spell lock back in the general Warlock tree and boom we can be like upcoming Marksmanship Hunters, tired of having to always being shafted into using the felhunter anyway.

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Reading through all patch notes looks like a nerf. Even bringing back old things like reduce healing on target for Aimed shot. The notes hurt to read and if anything ruins what MM has been since 2004.

My mains have all gone through so many changes, sometimes they’re ontop, sometimes blizzard likes to cut their legs out from under them for no apparent reason (I will never forgive forced DW frost DK’s), blizzard is trying something new and it’ll either work, or they’ll make more changes and possibly end up with brewmaster 2.0.

(The fact you can’t quote whole posts is nonsensical but thanks blizzard lmao.)

It’s only the most recent one if you quote it but I feel you, lol.

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me quoting your whole post.