Blizzard is making a mistake with an easy solution

Yeah and by making it an option, both sides are pleased.


Yeah I agree with that


Don’t quote me and change what I wrote.


Altering someones quote should be against terms…


The option is to play BM or survival

I honestly wish Blizzard would go further and give the same treatment to Warlocks, too. Make affliction and destruction not require a pet but still get abilties like interrupts and utilities that are affliction/destruction themed instead.

I think the MM playerbase has proven that MM players don’t use pets, and Hunter players who still want to use pets play BM or SV.


Or mm with a pet…

Literally the eagle is a pet…

So the fantasy is exactly the same…

The issue is that it limits hunters to a pet when they have literally hundreds of pets to choose from now, especially now when 11.1 allows you to respect pets.

So why not just make it a choice talent with lone wolf.

Again, freaking BM has an option for 1 or 2 pets.


Glad the anti-pet crowd on this forum are so condescending.


No they aren’t, and no there isn’t. If you’ve ever worked in systems design or development you know that maintaining a split paradigm just to appease non-conventional users is just technical drag.

They don’t want to maintain it. It’s highly suboptimal. It’s not the intended way to play the spec. And most players aren’t using it. The whole “no reason” comment is parroted by people who just discard any reason given to them. There is a reason, you just don’t like it.

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to roll Surv or BM


Then why does BM get the option for one or two pets with no change to rotation

Why does fury have smf as a talent?


Because they are built around pets be fr


Non conventional users?

MM has had a pet for 20 years. Suddenly that’s “non-conventional?”

No one who’s keeping a pet in MM is expecting to be optimal, most of us only use it for soloing.

More condescension.

Yes, I should entirely change the way I play suddenly after 20 years.


Right, so you have the option…


Did you not read my OP???

Having lf or a pet wouldnt even effective your rotation…

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Petless LW has been the standard for a decade plus.

I will hope for a simple way to customize our hawk friend. Preferably to match my character there would be a mechanical hawk option.

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It effects the entire design of the spec, did you read mine?

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Because you have to, not because you want to lol, that’s exactly the point

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While still having the sub optimal choice for a pet…

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