Blizzard is listening

Oh I remember there was an outcry. I also remember that you didn’t need every rep to get what you wanted, and could target a few at a time. Its possible that it was overzealous, but compared to the fluff we got in WoD and beyond I’d rather it just be a matter of self control and planning rather then what we have now. Its like they choose between meaningful and irrelevant, and everyones surprised now when irrelevancy has made everyone apathetic.

When you are doing progression pve you get benched for that which is why it was changed.

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Nobody wanted GCD in the first place and nobody wants it now with the changes.

I remember the many threads of these issues back in Alpha / Beta forums ( now deleted ofc ) where 99% of these bugs and feedbacks for dungeons was provided. It was ignored, ofc it was, and more feedback was ignored for most of 8.0. There’s still a lot of work left for dungeon balancing but if they listened then maybe it would’ve been fun.

This is a joke right? Since they tied the failed Azerite system to the class balance, this ruined most classes, nothing was added for many of them from Legion to BFA and some had skills taken away instead ( Holy paladin comes to mind ). Most of the classes don’t feel good to play at all in 8.1.

They weren’t fun in 8.0, they aren’t fun now. Remove the timer and do something more to it, they feel like MoP scenarios except you have to spam them for meager AP and heavy rng for cosmetic rewards.

Professions are a mere shadow of what they once were, they’re barely worth looking at and its an insult to say its anything more than that.


Here here.

What people don’t understand is that changes, especially large ones take time.

Let us take for example the Titanforge system. This has been in the game SINCE WoD removing it will take a lot of time and re balancing. Will Blizzard changes it, perhaps, but it will not be something instant.

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You said you’d be thankful when they did something, and didn’t just talk. Well, guess what, they did something. Just because you personally don’t like what they did doesn’t mean they didn’t do it.

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Professions have never been as strong as TBC where we could make BiS gear. Raiders complained bitterly that people could “just make it” - even though it took months to gather mats for each piece.

Profession items have never been as “good” since then - by design. But it all works to outfit alts and lowbies so my professions are always leveled when they’re needed.

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That is a huge list of changes…wow.

I would imagine that at this pace things should be fixed game wide by 2026.

/end sarcasm

The main problem is they change very small things and completely ignore months and hundreds of threads in the beta forum…they ignore class design issues, balance issues, overall feel and other glaring issues.


Those who post on forums is a small percentage of players that doesn’t represent all. /shrugs/ So your point is…

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And thank god they listened to the years of complaining about SH GY in AV.

You’re just parroting stuff you read with no idea what you’re asking for, right?

Class design, balance, overall feel and other glaring issues…what exactly do you mean?

Class design is complicated and interwoven with all the things you do in the game. As a solo player, you’re only interested in yourself but when you’re in a group, what then? How does your class design interact with the environment, dungeons, raids, etc.?

Same with balance - what’s that mean? That you alone can do all the things by yourself? Or you can PvP beat every other class in the game every time?

You spout things without taking the entire game effect in mind.

They’re not ignoring anything - they’re working on things all the time. You’re not getting immediate satisfaction but why would you even expect that from a game of this size and complexity?

They are listening but they can only fix small things in a short amount of time - big things will probably have to wait til next xpac. They work on next xpac before the current one was even Live.

Do you have any idea how development and creation of video games even work?

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Thats the hell of the whole thing. They acted offended that people even thought that. Now blizz is calling it mop 2.0? Its like they want us to quit playing.


S. The dark lady is going to …

Confirmed tin foil is a Li wood.

As for listening, yes employer listening to their employees.

Now if I can get the down vote button.


You can give your audience the respect they deserve.

The az… gear is a mental puzzle you can not say is the perfect gear for everyone. As a solo tank PvE I like a more DPS and throw in some healing.
Its a good build for me. In a group I need to be the Tank, so I build for that. It is a good thing to have. The neck is a progressive thing. People who want the best right now attitude needs the TF gear…

Nah, we like those.

You know there is a portal to it; org and sw?

Wait, you want them to not fix little things people are upset about?

What would you have them do?

Fix the big things?

These problems existed in ALPHA, BETA and PTR and were not addressed or fixed before going LIVE. They are only listening now and are in damage control because people are leaving in droves. And the things they have fixed are pretty trivial.


If they would just bring back the game to it’s former glory were it was FUN to play and get rid of this RNG and make Mob Scaling optional, XP gain slow or fast like eq2 has an XP slider so players can level between zero to fast so that players who like to level slow can and the ones that want to level fast can that way everyone is happy with leveling.

And make Professions count for something again.

I didn’t start posting on the forums until the release of patch 7.0.1 & 7.3.5 and onward.

I have not had one complaint until mid June of 2018 and have been a 6 - month reoccurring subscriber with no lapse since mid 2005.

Alpha, beta, PTR is for testers to find bugs/glitches and things that seriously don’t work. Game design is rarely pulled during test phases - it’s looked at to see how the general Live players react. Then they work on readjusting, redoing for next major patch or next xpac.

People who say things like “they didn’t listen to us in Beta” have never played beta, never interacted with the devs who were on the beta forums and explained how these things work.

It takes Months to fix major issues, if they even deem them necessary to fix. They can see what the players are doing.

RNG is working as intended. Randomly.

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I was in Beta and PTR and thats why they exist whether you like it or not. They ignored players giving feedback, and if it takes them to the end of an expac to fix the major problems then this game is going to get worse before it gets better.

And rng with parameters (such as bad luck protecton that doesn’t seem to work either) is not pure rng. Its a slot machine thats rigged.