Blizzard is listening

BFA shouldn’t have been released in in this half baked condition; I personally believe they were running out of time and had already committed to the world wide release date and didn’t want to disappoint investors and now they’re paying the price for releasing it in this condition.

RNG is a joke.

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This cry of how the current expac is the absolute worst trash WoW has ever seen is getting tiresome. If you hate the game so much, leave. I mean, every expac has seen 40%+ of the playerbase leave anyway, if we’re to believe GD.

I don’t remember the last time the forums were happy about anything. If Blizzard sent every WoW player a wish-granting unicorn holding a solid gold, diamond studded tray piled with freshly baked cookies wrapped in $100 bills, you’d complain that the cookies left crumbs and the bills were wrinkled. :roll_eyes:

I as well was in Beta and PTR and just like you I posted feedback which was ignored with all the rest who posted problems.

And I also posted in the thread entitled “XP FROM DUNGEONS” where a Blizzard Moderator started as a sticky on February of 2018 asking for feedback from players for a (BUG) they claimed was generated from patch 7.3.5 and were reported back then which many were problems reported again in Beta and PTR testing and still weren’t corrected.

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Right now Im in PTR and getting the most frustrating flickering/objects disappearing … there has been a post on this and not One blue post acknowledging the problem and how to fix. You would hope these types of problems would at least be addressed to correct for those testing, but it seems unlikely.

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I gave up on the PTR and posting problems after I went around spending my time taking screen shots of the HP’s of the NPC’s in various zones to show that Mob Scaling NPC’s HP’s were still off in various zones and are still off; Reported the issues and it falls on deaf ears.

You’re right; The past indication of them fixing BUGS is unlikely they will be corrected.

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Mop 2.0 - Well at least we dont have Wrath of the Panda King.

What am I looking for in that screenshot? How your hyena mount looks like a toy?

That is the result of a graphics problem that others are having in PTR with no resolution from Blizz so far. Not even one blue post pointing people to a fix or troubleshooting. Objects keep disappearing … like the entire building but the ring.

On Trall yesterday, my Monks mount did not show up. I herb an mined saying I was mounted, he spoke to me, but I could not see him. He would not auto did mount. It lasted though a reload and a exit and returning.
I restarted my computer and it still would not show.
Restarted again and noticed I had VS running. Stopped that and restarted game and went on This DK, nothing fishy with him, untill I was soloing MoS Heroic…I could not kill the mobs on the ship they just healed themselves up and took all the damage, then up again. I pulled the next to the last boss and… he would not die I gave up and let them kill me.
Ported out…
This is all on Live …
I got my 5 heroic Dg’s done…for the quest.

Are you quoting Asmongold ?