Blizzard is listening

I just wanna point out recently blizzard has been listening and acting upon feedback. And this is a great start, so for that thank you.

They have made changes to mythic plus dungeons.

Ludwig now gives percentage.
Last boss of shrine HP reduced.

They have made changes to over tuned Island mobs.

This is a great start. Now hopefully we will eventually get rid of titanforging and warforging and AP grinds and return this game to its former glory.


Even if things get “fixed” the mass will still cry cuz that’s what they do best.


Confirming MoP 2.0 after the fans screamed bloody murder not to do so shows they are not.

This comes from months of lying about it not being MoP 2.0 as well so not only are they not listening but lying to their players again.


Where did they confirm MoP 2.0?

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If they are listening then…

I would gladly give up warforging/titanforging if I can earn tokens in order to buy the appearances that I like. Similar to the PVP Tokens in Legion and I could buy the appearances after the season. That should apply to PVE as well. I don’t even want item level or wearable gear, just appearances.


Oh shut up.

Nobody’s lying, except you. I’ve never heard anybody say BfA is MoP 2.0 (most people loved Mists so that would be a good thing actually).


Their recent Lore chat live video.

I don’t think they can fix enough in a patch to draw me back… I would want to see ap removed every class reworked to revert the awful gdc change and progression to be returned to a linear path not some wacky weekly quest.

I get they are trying to fix things it is just from my perspective the way to fix things is to bin most if not all of the new content and go back to a older model.


Got evidence my sweet orc? If not then your spouting nonsense.

Blizzard has said many hundred times that they are listening only to disappoint and sit without communication for months.

I’ll be “thankful” once they act instead of talking about how things will get addressed.


Just start working on the new expansion.

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They haven’t listened to the pvp community in like 10 years.


They did. thats why they made overwatch.


MoP was actually a pretty good expansion and so was the middle of legion. I would easily say BFA is the all time worst expansion. WoD at least had Garrison’s which was a intresting and offered a cool PvP battle island. The only thing BFA gave us was the cool leather mogs and more of a balanced class design.


MoP was BFA but will fun classes.

The forums were just as bad back then and MoP lost 40% of it’s subs.

MoP wasn’t all that.

They are. They always work on the next expansion during the current one.

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MoPs story is what killed it.

You think nerfing the mobs in Island Expeditions is fixing the core problem?


Watch the Lore livestream from yesterday. The developers confirmed this is intended to be a retread of MoP.

They have put High Elves from the Silver Covenant in the portal room.

This is a good start.