Blizzard is listening

Sylvanas is still alive.

Blizzard is NOT listening!

I’m enjoying the expansion. The big things would be if everything currently in the game was how it was at launch, it would have been a much better release. In its current state, there are actually more things to do with your time than there was in legion. Pvp in war mode, island expeditions, assaults when up, warfronts, on top of the daily world quests and professions.

Some things that are currently frustrating: 1. trash in dungeons is overly obnoxious to the point that every trash pull feels like a boss fight, which turns some affix weeks into nightmares. 2. necklace is boring, and many azerite traits still feel clunky or underwhelming. 3. too many classes feel like they changed things people had grown to love.

If I compare it to legion, it is very similar, except the artifact weapon was WAY cooler than a necklace, and a class hall was awesome compared to
a boat?

anyway, I see how it’s not an improvement over legion, but I don’t understand the hate.

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And she’s still clothed!



/big breath


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They confirmed it just yesterday that the Horde war story was indeed a retread of MoP. We were assured that would not be the case at Blizzcon.

Blizz also said the Horde would have legitimate reasons for war that would be made clear duirng the War of Thorns and the burning of the tree would be a mysterious event.

Search MoP 2.0 on the forums.

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Don’t care really if they call is MoP 2.0 and used the same story arc as Mists
I don’t see it in the game.

Video game stories are ALL retreads of other stories. There’s nothing truly original nor unique in today’s stories in any media. But they’re good stories and good stories are retold over and over.

Pandaria’s story was Alliance and Horde working together with Pandaren to get rid of the sha things. Legion was like that too. Warlords was more independent cuz it was the backstory for Legion. BfA is faction war - which will probably settle down into fighting the whatever is killing Azeroth. I dunno, I just play the game as presented and don’t really question the details.

It’s still just a friggin video game, people. I just play til I run out of things to do.


Thats not true, I remember I was still doing launch content in MoP even towards the end. The world, the rep rewards, and even the professions were all much better than now.

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You are missremebering.

Only two good things to come out of MoP was was the water Strider and Throne of Thunder.

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Not at all. I loved cooking and the farm, doing the serpent quests, progressive daily hubs with the shade-pan and more. Dailies were done right imo as were the rewards and their mounts/toys/cosmetics. I get that people hate on MoP because the theme didn’t click with them, but it was really well made and showed a lot of effort being put into it (granted 5.3 was BfA quality)


So I take it you’re thankful then? Because they’ve acted on a lot of stuff already.


Forging is fine. There are plenty of other items that are adversely contributing to poor gaming.


Spoilers: They haven’t.

Dailies we’re done right?

You do understand that there was a huge out cry during MoP because not only were the boring but they also gated reps behind reps to get gear to raid. That’s THE worst daily/rep has ever been to date.

All that outcry lead to just one daily in WoD.


Yes, this is their conversation:

  • Hey, people are angry. What should we do?
  • I know, let’s make a couple of quick and easy changes and make a big deal out of it. Then we can say we did something and appease them for a while!
  • Ok, so lunch then? Your turn to buy.

Honestly this game is about 3 expansions away from being okay. They have tremendously damaged it and with scrapping the whole thing it will take 3 expansions for them to get it in the shape it needs to be.


AND THEY WERE EVERYWHERE as well as being the only way to get said rep.

Two of the worst changes in the game since the addition of LFR.

End of WoD ashran was one of my favorite activities in WoW.


Do I really need to make a list?

  1. Npc’s for content to get specific rewards.
  2. Tweaks to skills on the gcd.
  3. Dungeon balancing/nerfing.
  4. Raid balancing/nerfing.
  5. Class changes.
  6. Island reworks.
  7. Profession improvements.

And I’m sure more that I don’t have off the top of my head.

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too little too late.
Im already MONTHS behind in BfA with 8 characters and I have no intention of catching up till this abomination has ended and the next expansion is out that will hopefully be ‘fun’.


That why this thread is still unaddressed for 7 months?