Blizzard is censoring harsh words in game now

i think everyone can and should agree that certain slurs are not acceptable regardless of what state youre in

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Because they can see what’s to happen next. It’s not about this word, nor anything racial or any of that, it’s about the process that’s being stripped away to begin with, and the ability to say it at all, wrong or right doesn’t matter.

It’s about what’s to happen down the road, too.

You are free to do that as well, and then go right to jail for doing so or get your right to life revoked by someone else. I mean, again, unless you have a microchip implanted in you that can literally control your body or they do something to make your body physically unable to actually do the act, you are free to do it. Nobody is saying no consequences, people are arguing that the ability to do it in the first place should not be skipped, nothing more.

Oh I understand the EULA and yes’ you’re right they don’t need a reason to ban anyone or anything. Again, this is not about what can and cannot be said, this is about the process to even say it in the first place. They are removing it at all, we don’t like it, voiced opinions on it or maybe I guess should say we typed them.

This is a slippery slope because it really is; much like how the social issues plaguing the US plague the US, too and interfere in our games, which is absurd to begin with as games should not be interfered with at all. It is fictional entertainment to escape the real world that everyone lives in and the lives of people, yet stupid things like this keep getting brought into games.


Yes. People should not say racist things. 99.9% of people agree. Speech should not be imposed upon others by anyone either. The old saying two wrongs don’t make a right comes to mind.


it ain’t got nothing to do with the n word it’s all the other crazy words there going to have added in the n word is already reported instantly by most so it’s basically a waste of time and no i don’t use and yes i’m complaining and black dumbest thing i ever heard.


While I agree. I am befuddled as to what has become “offensive” over the last decade.

if blizz decided on a whim to perma ban anyone who wore a red transmog they’d be within their rights. as it is their game, their rules. they can and do whatever they want. we have no “rights” at all. read the EULA. they can ban you for literally any reason at all. and you cannot sue them or demand your money back because you lost access.


Offense is taken, and people are greedy.

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Whats up with California?? My cousin there in just span of 6 months has gone full woke
the culture there is quite something :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Sadly, this will not pass quickly.

Nope don’t care. Blizzard can censor any word they want. It’s their platform. The slippery slope argument is the last gasp of the racists who can’t quite figure out a better reason why they should be allowed to be racist without consequence.


Oh my god! Whatever will we do guys?! I feel so attacked right now!

In all seriousness, if a cake shop owner can refuse service and cite religious beliefs as the reasoning, Blizz is well within their right to do this and personally I don’t see an issue here.


unless you’re making a public display of it, how is that even relevant?


i must say you are quite frankly the genius of these forums lead us master.

You’re correct.

On the other side of the coin, the customers could just walk away.


No, it’s because people can actually see where this is heading. Those who don’t care or don’t see where this is heading that’s fine, you’ll voice your opinion and that’ll be that.

What are you talking about? Did you see the comment I was quoting or just read sex?

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Fair point

It’s why I left after 42 years of being born and raised there.

Hate speech isn’t protected even under the first amendment, which - as many people have pointed out - does NOT apply to a private game’s live servers or forums.

Which the one word that is blocked by the filter firmly falls under.

I’m trying to think of any circumstances, ever, in this the Year of Our Lord 2021 when it would ever be necessary to say that word to someone in a video game.


Don’t care where it’s headed. Blizz could completely eliminate chat from their games if they wanted. They can do that. It’s their right. Spend your energy trying to find a new home for Parler.


Yes it is.