Welp there it is no more harsh words in game
It sounds like you think this is a bad thing.
There are plenty of ways to insult someone without resorting to racial and sexual epithets. You have imaginary words from television shows and books, you have general insults through creative use of language, and you can always insult someone based on their political beliefs.
Now, if they start banning words like kneebiter and smeghead, then I will say they’ve gone too far.
Clark, you find the darndest things.
In before the reserved word list makes it online and people find a way to get around it.
This feels like it will become a cacophonous thread. Appreciate the heads up all the same, though I’d like to think this won’t affect me.
Imo I don’t care people shouldn’t say racist things anyway
I would not doubt if it does start to go too far after a while. Some people can be easily offended. When rolling toons in the past I have had a couple where the name was rejected due to a sequence of letters in it. It took looking it up on Google or Urban Dictionary to figure out what and why. Give it a bit and we will be using single syllable words in chat.
Can’t be racist.
Literally 1984!
giant /s
Meh. I don’t blame blizzard.
If we cannot be adults enough to be civil to one another, then they get to moderate the chat. It is their chat, after all.
If you get upset because you cannot use derogatory language and are too thick to imagine a more creative approach, then that is more of a you problem
What makes you think they won’t?
Exactly. Free speech dies the minute people stop fighting for it.
It’s quite clearly the direction we are headed in, the fact that most people still don’t get it is pretty sad.
They should go back and read some U.S. history to see why legally protected free speech is so important and something that many countries don’t have(and never did have).
It’s people that make this argument that show they know absolutely nothing about what free speech is.
On a scale of yelling fire in a crowded theater to yelling about assassinating the president, how much free speech should we be fighting for?
Problem isn’t censoring harsh words, they just go too far with it. In twitch you can’t even use words like obese and Virgin
Cool one liner but what you said wasn’t actually an argument.
There will always be a way to get around them. It’s not that hard to add spaces between letters, or simply use alt characters in place of normal letters.
Nothing will change. Folks will just use the next bootleg word to use. It’s how slang and it’s evolution works.
It will only double down this behavior
Yeee. The internet has proven this over the years to be true.