again, you are only protected from going to jail because you spoke out against the government. i meant "gamer bro free speech " isn’t actually a thing. you aren’t protected from being banned if you harass someone in game or on the forums. being given a forum time out isn’t “censorship” and we all agreed to it when we started posting. the blizzard forums are not protected as they’re privately owned. as is the game itself.
Forced censorship is never a good thing. I’m all for providing this type of feature as a toggleable option.
Even if the option is toggled on by default, the agency being removed from players is always a poor choice in my opinion.
This does not mean the words intended to be censored are okay to say, but censorship does not do anything to combat the reasons why people use that type of reprehensible speech. It only removes them from sight.
In the case of a parental control feature or an optional filter this is completely fine and even good in those types of situations. If it’s forced I’m against it by principle.
You are saying the same thing I’m literally saying here and you’re saying it doesn’t exist. You just demonstrated it existing, by being able to be banned in the first place, again, demonstrates you can say it at all. That’s what the feature/filter is taking away, the ability to say it at all. Like, it 100% does exist or this system wouldn’t even be a thing in the first place, nor have a reason to exist.
That’s fine, just as they have the profanity filter clickable / toggleable, that would be alright and good.
I mean, it’s quite easy. Imagine needing to not hear a single bad word. How would sex be at that point, quite terrible especially when you’re trying to talk dirty.
Define indecent. There are people who think darn is a foul word. Also the “C” word some women find so offensive is a term of endearment in Australia. Funny how these things work.
no… what i’m saying is that consequences exist if you do things you’re not supposed to. that isn’t free for all freedom of speech. i could call you a name. the fact i could if i wanted to, despite the fact i’d get punished for it, doesn’t mean i have free speech. even now i could go to a theater and shout “fire!” which is actually illegal. won’t stop me from getting in trouble. i could do a lot of things that would get me significant jail time. the fact i could do them doesn’t mean i’m free to do them.
Yeah, plus different cultures all over the place so who’s standard are you using at that point. Like, you’d have to be extra extra extra specific and that would take up so much more time than just leaving it alone and letting the harassment team do their job…that they were hired to do…
correct, and the one we are currently in (most of us playing the american company blizzard-activision game) is the western NA society, so its standards are the ones that should matter to us
I mostly agree but I think fear is the wrong motivation mechanism for any form of functional social setting. I realize this may be largely a semantics thing but I’d argue it’s important.
Better to incentivize (is this the correct word/spelling?) Treating others with respect and allow that to be the motivating factor with bans and punishment being reserved for those who violate the rules x amount of times (depending on the severity of the offense).
Yes, it does mean you have free speech because you are free o do it if you want to do it. Not having it would be the same as the example above, like I said, or another for an internet would be if someone blocked you. You can no longer say anything to them at all, they removed your free speech because you can no longer interact, at all, under any circumstances online.
The US keeps constantly changing standards at every corner. Before long, using US standards you won’t even be able to say “sup dude” - without backlash.
To go back to the other;
That’s exactly what that means, bud. You are free to do them, if you want to do them. You can say “dam the consequences” and go all in, if you wanted to, or just not go in at all. The choice is there, choice being the keyword there. Choice meaning you are free, again, to do so.
It’s actually pretty hilarious watching all the people complaining about this as people who don’t drop the N word on the reg wouldn’t even notice the change.
The standard unfortunately isn’t universal. California and South Carolina have vastly different taboos and culture norms. A company based in California will be more strict overall.
U.S.A. has a whole lot of different “societies” within it. Should the rules appease the Christian societies thoughts on allowable speech? Or how about Muslim societies? Maybe “High Society” should dictate everything?
no… because we go down that line of thinking and you end up with things like “i am free to revoke others right to life” which is obvious bs. you have no right to do anything of the sort. that’s an extreme example but i do think that using slurs is also an extreme but yall seem to support that, as well.