Blizzard is censoring harsh words in game now

Well, what you say and how you say it are also different things. So always try to speak your mind without resorting to insulting others.

Slippery slope argument applies to both sides of this thread

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I’ll take a hard pass on that. I had a stalker who, well, I’m not going to go into it but he went to prison and is out now. If that person found me I fully expect that he would do everything in his power to kill me. So no. I like my privacy because my life depends on the fact that I can be anonymous.


Roses are red.
Daffodils are yellow.
Your flow of words.
Are an inspiration to read aloud.

What, were you expecting a rhyme?

You have a right to say what you want, but the other party(unless it’s the government) has the right to retaliate against you and make you face consequences. That’s how it actually is.

As if someone would be caught dead in your rathole in the first place.

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This is such an awful idea for reasons already mentioned in this thread. There ARE ways to maintain positivity and requiring everyone to have their full name attached to an opinion online is simply not it. Facebook, funnily enough, shows this with how relationships in families and friends are affected when one of them posts an opinion on anything.

Anonymity is a good thing, and the positives for it generally outweigh the negatives.

It’s amazing that people can’t see the clear downsides of having your real name and info be next to your posts.


why would people who support blizz taking a stance against racism leave? the game supports it. that’s why yall are so mad. you can go be super toxic elsewhere on the internet all you’d like. but blizz has decided to make sure that the game keeps its kid friendly rating. MOBAs and shooter game lobby’s still exist. you can sling racist and homophobic things to others there all you want, for now.


WoW is not rated “E for everybody”. Kids too young to hear foul words shouldn’t be here in the first place via Blizzard’s own “T for Teen” rating. Personal failings as a parent doesn’t mean getting to dictate what everyone else is able to do to hide that fact.

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there is a big difference between calling someone a mean name and just shouting the N word constantly.


Wish they’d just add a chat filter for people that can’t handle those sorts of words- imagine expecting players to take personal responsibility for what sorts of words they want to be able to hear though, can’t have that in this era.

Why not use the chat filter? If you get upset because someone else uses bad words, you have the option to put up a filter that prevents you from hearing those words.

Even better, you can straight up ignore someone who you don’t want to hear.

If Blizz should do anything it’s increase the ignore list size, but ultimately the tools to avoid bad words and annoying people are already given to players- anyone who isn’t using them is willingly trying to get ‘offended’.

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You can yell fire in a crowded theater. Especially if the theater is on fire.


i have never turned the chat filter off. but that doesn’t stop people from t.y.p.i.n.g.l.i.k.e.t.h.i.s. to get around it, or any number of things.

I like my speech free, but I mean, if we’re going all in on one, we should just go all in on all of it. I think it is all pretty absurd, so I wouldn’t vote for either, but yeah.

You got me good on there I actually was expecting a rhyme.

Yeah, and that’s what people understand and get, that’s how it should be and always should be.

Yeah I agree, I don’t think we should do it, but I was saying an absurdity to the absurdity of taking speech away in the first place, at all.


Why would people who support saying whatever you want and accepting whatever consequences you get leave, too? Back at square one.

Yeah, it’s called the profanity filter. There’s 0 reason to skip this step in the process, and those who can’t handle seeing profanity or anything bad, can just click this button.

No, mad because this literally skips the “check this option if you don’t want to see this” button. Don’t misinterpret what people are saying, as that’s not what anyone else is saying either. People are wanting the option to say it in the first place, bannable or not.

You can go get some thicker skin elsewhere, too, or just stay off the internet, or many other things. Calling someone bad at the game if they’re bad at the game, fat if they’re actually fat, etc. is not a bad thing nor as bad as people make it out to be. I got called dunce and stupid growing up in the 90s, probably at least a dozen times. It got me mad enough to actually read and study so I wouldn’t be called dumb anymore. I also don’t get mad at being called dumb, because I was dumb.

I got mad at being called bad when I couldn’t play my class/specs good, so I learned how to do it. I also learned how to not care what other people think as I got older, too, as the one who’s opinion actually matters was my own, when it comes to me.

Just accept that there’s a problem first, like I had to, then go get better.

It’s not a kid friendly game, actually. rating wise. It’s T for Teens, which is higher than kiddos. In fact, they actually tell you kids should NOT be playing this game, but parents let them and then get mad at the stuff their kids see when it’s on the parents, not on blizz, to watch the kiddos. A lot of parents never take accountability for the things their kiddos do, it’s always someone else’s fault.

Who’s the target audience? World of Warcraft is rated T (Teen) by the ESRB for blood and gore, crude humor, mild language, suggestive themes, and use of alcohol and violence.

Thus, kids should not be playing it, nor anyone not a teen. Teens should be able to handle anything, especially speech wise.


It’s people that make this argument about that argument that show they are sheep and just love to have life spoon fed to them by a nanny.

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New slang will just be developed.

except blizz has gone full sjw according to yall. what are you doing? stopping giving them money or otherwise doing something to show you don’t approve of it? ofc not. just call everyone who doesn’t agree with you a sjw and whine about it on the forums. :rofl:


You mean like deciding everyone who doesn’t agree with you must be racist or misogynistic?


Can’t wait to fail a message 6 times when just trying to ask if they want to group for a quest. Sure blizz, it’s like you want to annoy the hell out of your subscribers until they quit out of utter frustration.

what have i said about racism in this thread other than that using the N word is racist. and outside of very specific circumstances that don’t apply to most of us, it is. 100% racist.

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