The slippery slope argument isn’t an argument. It’s a fallacy.
We will just have to come up with a price, though I won’t abide by the normal business prices of shoot for 100000)% profit. I will just make a fair price instead.
Nobody demands freedom from consequences. This literally takes away free speech in that you can’t even say it. People accept that if you say it you have the right to be banned, but what this nonsense does is take away from even using it in the first place. If I said “you’re ugly” – I would expect you to say something back, be it about me like an insult or just punch me in the face or something. A retaliation of sorts, and that’s fine and fair, that’s taking accountability and responsibility, but it did not take away the ability to say it in the first place.
This does take away that ability to say things in the first place, at all. That’s the issue, which is why people say freedom of speech. They don’t mean free speech and no consequences, they mean freedom to say whatever they want, and be it consequences or not, they were able to actually say it in the first place. At least that’s how I think of it, others could think of it in a different way I guess, but yeah accountability is there in the response of the person I would be talking to or anyone else is talking to.
This system literally takes that part away, though.
Didn’t they do this once and it failed horribly? No one would want to post anything which had their name directly tied to it.
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
note that blizz is not the american government. and neither is the entire internet.
Exactly. Every time someone says this it means they have no real argument.
Also, everyone who so upset by this change, please leave. The game, and perhaps all of the internet and even the world, would be better off without you.
Only when the things being compared are not related.
When they are 'tis not fallacious.
Good. That word is overused in black culture. It’s predominantly ignored that it’s a slur in the music industry and everyday interactions.
If people can’t self-censor and parents refuse to teach their children that certain words are unacceptable in today’s society I think it’s great that Bliz is stepping up to the plate and destroying the ability to use it in online gaming.
If nobody did anything wrong, then fear shouldn’t be an issue. Let’s kick off the shackles of freedom and embrace Real ID.
I get what you mean, But I am not referring to the fallacy though.
I am being more colloquial.
Saying it is a slippery slope is how others were describing the situation. Starts with one word and the so on and so forth.
It isn’t a hyperbolic argument like the fallacy.
It’s worth noting, in hearthstone you get something like 6? Preset chat options/emotes in game. You can’t type anything to anyone (unless you’re whispering through friends list)
People still find it toxic when you click the button that makes your character say “greetings!”
Also, I don’t think it would help anything in that game if you could type to opponents.
Yes, and made Blizz employees hide and quit as a result when their info, their wives info, their kids info, were plastered everywhere because they told players having their real info exposed wouldn’t hurt anyone. Challenge was gleefully accepted by some in the playerbase.
This ^^ All this looks good on paper but implementation is always stupid. /points to Twitch
Also, they removed Garrosh’s in-game insult to Sylvanas. I really think there is merit to what is being said.
Like, we have proof. Really good proof this could get silly really fast.
Doesn’t matter, what you say is legally protected with few exceptions.
Also some of the laws haven’t caught up with platforms like Twitter so using that as an argument is disingenuous to begin with.
That was indeed a tragedy, It was quite an iconic scene xD
However, when that part is already redundant, what is the point in keeping it? To delay a response by Blizzard and let the person who is guaranteed to face consequences run around longer?
When the consequences are pre-determined, there is no point in even allowing someone to mention that thing and just waste Blizz’s time. Blocking slurs like this just removes the in-between, and comes with the added benefit of everyone (mostly) being happy and remaining happy.
I think the opposite, as people who are mad at this are mad for a fine reason. I think the ones supporting this should probably leave, as I think they can’t handle being called names or having bad things spoken to or about them, be it in front of them or behind them, doesn’t matter which.
I will do you one better. Everyone with an account must put their face, their full name, address up for everyone else to see visibly. This would solve everything.
You have a right to speak your mind and I respect that right.
See? This is how it works in America!
yep. on the HS forums its called BM (bad manners) and they want to be able to auto squelch people so they never have to be offended by someone saying hello or well played, to them. as it’s considered abusive trolling. and they make mega threads about it constantly.
here on the US side is usually not a huge problem since english dominates, but on EU side …with tons of languages …a simple word on A language could be a slur word on another