Blizzard is censoring harsh words in game now

Blizz should just remove in game chat and be done with it, both text and voice. Wanna talk? Use a third party. Would solve everyone’s issues with one stroke. No more spam bots, goldsellers, boost services. Sounds great to me.

yeah , plus Ignore still exist , GM call if needed

but here we are …what a century to be alive!


Only bots are allowed to spam in /2 and /4 now.

I don’t have trade chat on. My life is fine!

Good, about time.

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If God didn’t approve of racial slurs, then why did he invent COD lobbies?


Very true. I forgot about the ignore feature.

I get that it probably saves money, but Blizzard already had a decent system in place to curb that type of behavior. This stuff has been banable since as long as I can remember. I do think there is merit to the slippery-slope argument being had.
I also find the situation is somewhat ironic when you consider in-game npcs often use derogatory language.

heavy laughter

Wrong choice. Satan, that’s more accurate.


The game alrdy lost half its player base…

Censoring is gonna lower it more.

Plus how long till simple cuss words get on the list…lot people use them even in roleplay i’,m all for racist slurs but that’s it. if it gets anymore then i’d start worrying fast…


Can we just go back to a healthy civilization and have the offender and offendee fight to the death in a gladiatorial pit?


Dudeeee, I’d love this. Do we get to watch it and is there gonna be popcorn made or do we gotta bring our own?


Always have room for concessions.

To play Devil’s advocate for the people mentioning free speech here, what they are not referring to is the actual law. They are referring to the concept of being able to express their opinions and beliefs.

However, and I cannot reiterate this enough, even with free speech you are not free from others judging you or your beliefs based on what you say. That is how free speech works.


even if there were truly 100% free speech, which there isn’t, it would NOT mean freedom from consequences. if you say something and offend someone and they say or do something that offends you? thems the breaks.


Are y’all crying “censorship” about your ability to not be racist, homophobic, ableist, or even just fascists aware of how much it makes you sould racist, homophobic, ableist, or even just a fascist?

I’m not accusing any of you of that - but your arguments are saying volumes.

And it’s funny how it’s “cancel culture” when you are suffering the consequences of your actions, but not when you’re calling for canceling people who disagree with you.

Finally (hah, as if), Blizzard exists to make money. Do you think they’d go to the trouble of doing this if they didn’t think there was already a problem? That they just, out of the blue, said “You know what? We need a distraction. Let’s start blocking words from being used in chat.”

That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.


I’m about done here but I’ll make another analogy since most of you still aren’t getting it.

SJWs was a coined term for a reason. Some of the most toxic, agressive people do it in the name of “social justice” even though that’s clearly not whats happening.


How about we just expose our names? The trolls can’t hide if we use some sort of Real ID systems.

read the post right above the one you just posted.

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I think people are really underestimating the slippery-slope argument.
Blizzard had an effective way to deal with this before. Why change the system now? In my gut, I don’t think this was all about money/time saving.
I would not be surprised if in a few months more words are added that do not fit the category of derogatory language.


Sounds cool. Which Blizzard employee do you think will be doxxed into hiding and quitting this time they try it? You have such good ideas. Please, tell us more.

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