Blizzard is adding achievements sigh

LOL, why does no one remember achievements being implemented pre Wrath? Just because it was 1 month before Wrath launch? ::shrug::

I recall that.

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What. . . is an achievements sigh anyway?

Makes one think it does.

The nonsense you guys make up to dislike achievements is wild.

So wait, you donā€™t want achievements which actually came out in the game immediately following TBC but you want them to make the game more like Diablo 3? You do realize D3 was a disaster hence why the team got cut and sent to go work on D4 even before itā€™s expansion came out, right?

Iā€™d be willing to consider your concern if you can give me your reasoning as to why you feel having achievements in TBC would be a bad thing.

oh wow who would have guessed.


I respectfully disagree, but Iā€™m more than willing to hear you express your concerns in a more specific manner as to why you feel it was part of this ā€œavalancheā€ that ruined wow, because as far as I have experienced, the ā€œavalancheā€ you refer to actually derived from taking away the social/MMO aspect of the game and doing things that stopped you from going out in the world and interacting with other players. Achievements, however, send you back out into the world and many of which require you to group up with people to complete, and even the ones you can solo you can still do with friends.

They add in normally mounts titles Etc. Also people get a bad vibe of ā€œLink X Y Zā€ and everyone about that AOTC life.

Personally i just donā€™t want em because ainā€™t no need to fix something that ainā€™t broken my Achvies are already hard enough to get as is.

Indeed. Achievements have nothing to do with whatever nonsense in Retail you hate so yeah, the fallacy stands.

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theyā€™re probably prepping for classic wrath from now or for a system to be able to see your classic achievements in retail

I hope thereā€™s a shop mount because i canā€™t farm gold at all haha!

I disagree.
People just donā€™t really talk in-game like they do in classic on retail.

Adding something in the pre-patch for the next expansion doesnā€™t really count as adding it to that expansion. You may as well say dual spec was in TBC because it was added in 3.0.

Pre-patch phases are basically just a final test phase to make sure all the stuff is working properly before they roll out the expansion, as well as to let people experiment with stuff a bit.

never did i once say make the game like diablo 3, thats what retail is. literally re-skinned diablo 3 with a free camera. I said, give us seasons with no themes or special stuff, when naxx is over let us drop the character into a ā€œforever realmā€ and open a new season up. learn to read.

who cares


Achievements came out at the end of Tbc not the beginning of wrath thatā€™s why.

I believe achievements were added at the very end of BC during the Wrath pre-patch.

So your just agreeing with me. Great, glad you agree.

Both Classic, and TBC Classic were and are being built on the current client.
Back in the early days of classic. People were finding things in the client
that Classic never had. Quite a few of these things were data mined.
Not because those things were going to be added to Classic.
But due to those items not being removed from the client while they were
building Classic.