Blizzard is adding achievements sigh

trash trash trash… will not play.

Yea… Achievements that are strictly for fun have no bearing on the game at all so I don’t see why anyone cares at all.

Surprise,surprise! The Hadenuff alt account is bumping every thread related to anti-blizzard sentiments.

Must be this account’s week to rotate into the active slot for bumping threads.

Exactly. People are just weird

this is outrageous. they just keep making this game harder and harder. soon the game will be sekiro 2.0 and none of us will be able to beat it except the top streamers. big no from me for achievements

It’s not so bad… There weren’t that many achievements for TBC and classic and those there were weren’t really the kind of extreme silliness we have now.

Like “Kill Gruul” is a TBC achievement not something like “Kill Gruul in a group of less than 15 people before He gains 15 stacks and nobody takes shatter damage from another player while at least one of Kiggler the Crazed felhounds remains active”

I remember spamming them when WOTLK prepatch hit and getting “accidental” achievements all the time just for playing. And it’s not like AOTC was a thing either.

Oh you know this eh? I was wondering why I saw this going on.

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I just find it funny that you can actually see the account posting patterns if you watch carefully. Accounts like Hadenuff there will pop in from time to time, add some meaningless one-liners or other such garbage. Bump some threads, like a few comments, then another account with a similar pattern of posting will always have their backs and make bad attempts at countering anyone that notices.

This will go on for a day or two and the next set of accounts rotates in to repeat the process, week after week.

I mean, if they look at mine, they’ll notice that I am only on here 9-5est :smiley:

That must mean you are a bot!!

This is so concerning to you? Tracking achievements?

Or maybe they are pre-tracking them for Wrath. Hopefully… achievements are cancer.

How so? :slight_smile:

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