Blizzard is adding achievements sigh


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I’m surprised this wasn’t in already as it would make the stats and achives 100% complete when WotLK Classic comes around. At least this pretty much confirms, while not unexpected, that it will.

Classic is way more toxic then retail. Its not close to be honest.

I wouldn’t personally mind achievements added to TBC. It doesn’t really change anything other than have something else to work towards.

Yeah, it is one of those little things that increases the amount of things that you can do in the game.

Would I fly to silvermoon to hug a crab normally? Nope, but you can bet I would do it for an achievement.


“Are you one of those people who have differing opinions from me too?”

Achievemenets is heck of a lot better than Dual Spec. It’s not game breaking - provided they make achievements private and not publically viewable.

Either way,


Careful… There are a lot of trailer park scientology…erm… I mean Qanon’ers here.


Explain how dual spec broke the game.

LFM Kara. Must link Black Temple achievement.

I can see it now.

Achievements are just used as toxic gatekeeping

gear check,parses,gearscore,ilvl

Doesnt matter whats in the game people will use a metric to judge you

Achievements dont do that. Players do


Everything can be used as “toxic gatekeeping” and as always, the solution to a group having standards you don’t like is to make your own group.

Y’all silly.

I wouldn’t do Karazhan with anybody who has never cleared RFK and RFD.

People are going to use Parses over achievement linking. With people being carried and GDKPs with buyers, the quality of the player values much higher than “Hey I seen this boss die.”

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“Dont you all have guilds?”

Ok to all of you. Achievements were added at the very end of TBC like a month or 2 before the launch of Wrath. I remember it very well because I was pissed I had to do all the heroics all over again to get credit for them for the Hand of Adol title and I personally said screw that and to this day do not have the title. I felt it was beyond stupid I had to regrind all those heroics that no one did anymore 1 month away from Wrath launch. And yup. checked it out. added Oct. 14 Wrath launched on Nov. 13th. Thank you very much. Some of ya’ll should stop playing know it all with google to Elder Gamers who’ve been there Pal. I’ve seen it. I’ve been in the poo. :wink: all fun aside. Yeah pretty positive achievements were added pre Wrath in TBC.

There’s no shop mounts, or achievements, so I don’t know what you’re on about.

Man, 5G is the devil.

Someone was in diapers when TBC wasn’t classic.

Get the facts about COVID-19 and 5G [here]

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