Blizzard is adding achievements sigh

Since achievements are mostly client side and don’t affect gameplay it doesn’t really matter and I’d be OK with them being added. My only caveat is they should remove the achievements that give certain rewards. For instance the Violet Proto-drake from “What a long strange journey” was gained from doing all the holiday events. This would technically be achieveable in TBC and the Violet Protodrake was a 310% flying mount which in TBC it was impossible to get anything above a 280% mount.

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“This guy played retail for a couple months REEEEEEEEEEE”
Doesn’t help your point buddy

I think your comment is a very good self explanatory of why achievement was a bad and empty idea. Thanks.

I play a classic ret paladin, no need to convince me :slight_smile:

So you do get offended.

Well when you grow up let me know…

offended by what dude. I just appreciated your comment… kinda difficult to like something and get offended by it ay the same time… I am more worried about kara being undertuned at the moment than this anyway, so thanks again.

Karazhan isn’t undertuned, it is a deliberately easy introductory raid. It was only somewhat more difficult for folks initially because the Devs assumed everyone would have had some raiding experience, and we also had the all elixirs and flasks all the time setup from the start.

Regardless, Kara wasn’t hard even in 2.0 without stacking consumables and without necessarily using any kind of specific or well tailored comp with good gear.

that’s so much different than “meet me at x place so i can inspect you to see if you have gear from y” right?

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This statement provides a prime example of what is wrong with the attitude of the modern WoW community and why retail is so toxic.

Don’t get me wrong, I like my raid to do well and I like people to try their hardest, but I’m not going to persecute them if they aren’t parsing 90+.

It’s a game, not a job. It’s there for fun… you know, that thing you do to unwind and not have to stress about…

At no point did I say or even imply needing to be in the 90th percentile, only that being boiled down to a minimum level of performance makes sense in a performance based game.

Exactly, and people tend to want to play games with other people that are like-minded and like-capable. A pick-up game of basketball among a bunch of high school aces is fine if everyone is about that level, but it sucks if one team is phenomenally better. Being judged on how you play the game within the context of that game is perfectly fine, just like being judged how well you do your job within the context of your job is perfectly fine.

If you want to be judged for things like your social skills and RL experiences then you join a guild that cares about those things, otherwise your performance abilities (or lack thereof) will be put ahead of these things when they actually matter.

seems i have a fanboy. you should probably get some fresh air bub. 2300 posts its a bit much

Maybe i should take after you and call others bad players as you green parse

But you do you i suppose

Enjoy your boost

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GDKPs on Fairbanks are legit. They do check names before an invite to ensure smooth raids for everyone.

I datamined the beta and found out I have a 20% stake in activision blizzard

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classic left confrontationist, cant even keep your colors straight at this point

:clown_face: :roll_eyes: :clown_face:

Oh boy getting desperate arent we greens?


Someone’s upset.

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Ask my fanclub, they can’t help but to respond to my every word. Forever rent free

ya imagen having more things to do in classic then raid log with world buff the horror man the horror

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Running low on content eh? Gonna start trying to link left/right to stance on boosting now? :smiley: