Blizzard is adding achievements sigh

Retail is not synonymous to bad.
Every change led to Retail’s current state.
These arguments are braindead and stupid, stop using them.

PS - Achievements are fine.

I mean we had people demand you link parses when applying for certain raids and runs so a lack of achievements in-game isn’t really going to stop people from gatekeeping folks, same with ilvl and so forth. If anything, the achievement system allowed people to have proof of minimal competency far more broadly than any gear or parse would indicate, so the folks struggling to find groups should be happy about achievements lowering the bar rather substantially.

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Oh I know that. People ALWAYS find ways to gate keep. Usually the people that do are trash pugs trying to get a good group to carry them is what I found. Find a guild and it become a non issue.

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According to you everything is. TBC was part of the avalanche leading to retail as well. Every single step after vanilla led us there and failing to change only leads there again

“kEeP iT tHe sAmE sO We dOnT gEt REEEtaIl!”

As he advocates for the path that leads to retail.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


It seems that there is nothing, at all, in any capacity, about any system, that is good in retail. (Which is intrue cause I can name many) If retail has it, it is immediately the harbinger of the end days.


Yeah if they wanna go full rambo lets just ruin the game with… checks notes the ability to switch preset talents and some extra bag space.


Good features of retail, feel free to disagree

Barber Shop
Dual Spec
Mount Tab

These things I don’t see contributing to anything but player enjoyment and cannot see being the "downfall of classic"1

EDIT: No, I am not requesting these be added in TBC (Although as a druid…dual specs REALLY handy)


To the OP, you do realize that if we get Wrath, the achievements will be part of the game, that was when it was added. The retroactive earning of achivements was based on a system where the client would check your gear, inventory and bank for certain items and if you had them you got the retroactive achievement.

Blizzard admitted it was the best way at the time, but not perfect and many players did not get achievements they should have simply because the key items were no longer in their inventory.

What was datamined was the tracking system for acheivements, so that when Wrath does come out, the game has already, in the background, been tracking your achievements and is a better system then checking for items.

It is in no way a sign that they are adding acheivements to TBC, they are simply putting in some “Behind the Scenes” tracking so that Wrath will be smoother and more acurate when the achievements are added.



That is all. I’m sure if we went through all of the little changes here and there, the optimizations, the little QoL changes, etc, we could make a substantially long list that also doesn’t do anything to the core gameplay or reward loop of WoW.

So many folks are just… silly… about Retail. I don’t get it.

I remember missing most of my heroic dungeon achievements, and no Mag or Gruul achievements because I didn’t have gear from there. It was really spotty

People overreact because they think they can relive their TBC safe zone forever if they make sure blizzard doesn’t touch a thing. An idealists view that is not reasonable. If people went into this with the mindset of “I am gonna play it now, enjoy it now, and when it’s ruined, I move on” and all the sudden, you have WAY more fun!

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They getting ready for wrath classic early lol

I mean, Wrath is the OTHER xpac most people consider the peak. TBC and Wrath were the peak of different things for me, but both were phoenominal (Wrath adding the LFD auto matching system not withstanding, If there was ever a thing to tweak, that system is it if they want to make classic take 2 of wow.)

WoWhead really needs to stop sharing datamined information, plain and simple.

There are too many players that have absolutely NO CLUE what these assests are or mean and everytime they see something they do not understand or “think” they understand, they run around like chickens with their heads cut off in a panic.


Yeah, when that survey went out talking about making changes and adjustments to Perma Classic Servers, I created a nice long list about changes I would prefer to see, not that I actually want them, and “Achievements” was on my list. My list is (also) kind of a “prediction” list, since I was right about them trying to make a profit out of Character Copies. So, I’m just preparing myself for the changes to come:

EDIT: Also, I was somewhat right about the WB Change. I did mention a WB NPC, which that Chrono thingy (or w/e it’s called) is in line with a WB NPC.

Yeah yeah, a piece of paper that summarizes you … it started with achievements then turned into iLvL You are nothing but a number … so meaningful and fun …

This is a game where performance matters, why are you so offended if someone boils you down to essentially what you can and cannot do? Do you get mad at your employer when they dare to check your work progress without first confirming if you’re getting enough fulfillment from meals and hobbies at home?

Creating achievements from scratch seems like more investment that blizz would normally put into a 15 year old game…

I’m not getting skill ups for data mining anymore. Does anyone know what I should mine for next?

Likely pre-planning for WRATH when achievements are added so that players who do certain activities don’t need to go back and get those achievements when the system comes out.

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Judging by the shadowlands toon you are posting on, you don’t have very much stake in what happens in TBC anyways.