Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

By the looks of all the threads, & seeing a lot of people on normal flight mounts chilling in places, I believe it is more than a few hundred out of the millions that play.

In fact, I believe there are more than a few hundred people who play WoW that have various disabilities and would like to see it changed since WoW did say normal flight is for “accessibility.”


Static flying? What is that? They get all fuzzy looking in black and white when they go by?
:wink: j/k

Well push the button once and you will be in normal flying mode.

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I already have, except when I raid, then I am forced again to dragonride; Just like in one of the new dungeons.

Player feedback ≠ demand

It should be instant to switch. Because it is what we had before. Dragons for dragonriding regular mounts for regular flying.


The advice I’ve always heard throughout the many decades of my computer career was don’t try to use the system while it’s being updated with new software.

The rule of thumb is stop working just before it goes down for update, take backups if you can (obviously you can’t do that here) and don’t do anything important until the new system is running and things have become stable.

They probably did take good backups either Monday night or Tuesday before the system was put online so if anything is missing you can probably recover it with a ticket.

Nah, I actually prefer to test, break the game, push for things to be fixed as much as I can before it hits the normal servers. IMO, this is one instance were I failed, and I honestly feel like I am failing everyone right now in beta because we got no communication in there.

Have a nice weekend. :slight_smile:

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It just seems like Beta is a promo tool not a place to get feed back. I mean they sold the beta for the most expensive pre order. I didn’t pre order so obviously I have no beta.

It’s honestly not a big deal to me, I can deal with it the way it is because I use dragonriding like 95% of the time anyway. But I do feel it would improve things to make the cast to switch instant. We already have to wait for the cast bar to mount anyway.

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How did you fail? What communication do you feel they didn’t get? They know how a certain group is unhappy about the flying situation.

They saw that in DF, but it turned out the expansion was very popular and people came back so obviously the complaining is coming from a smaller group of people. Most people seem OK with it.

Now if you really broke the game, as in causing it to crash, they probably saw that when it happend. They don’t need you telling them what they already know. In that case you have been successful, you flushed out a bug which is the purpose of testing.

I wouldn’t mind it so much if you could avoid dismounting to do it.

How many indeed, because there seem to be quite a few and we’ve barely scratched the surface of seeing where it’s a problem.

I’ll tell ya what, the number of players actively opposing others getting a CHOICE that does not affect them in any way is pretty small. Because that’s an insane stance to take and should automatically be disregarded. Objectively and provable L take.


It’s why I wasn’t paying extra to test the game. They did the same when I tested in BFA and SL. The worst of it is all the bugs.

that is not why classic is there. but whatever.

we have had standard flying since TBC - why exactly do we need dragon flight? it worked fine till last expansion and now we have a 2nd type. so the first type has to go? lol

dragon flight is like an electric veh that needs to be recharged.


I guess the cast time seems unnecessary, would like if anyone has actual context from Blizzard on the change.

But I’m also having a hard time empathizing with the seething. In the extremely seldom cases I switch to legacy flying, the cast time is so small I’d hardly notice. What are ya’ll doing that you’re rapidly swapping constantly?

Dynamic flying is superior in 95% of cases for me. In Dragonflight, the only case I can think of using it would be landing on the Dragonscale Expedition flag spots which are atrocious. Well, that and hovering AFK in a city with my mount of choice.

I was selected for the Cataclysm beta, and while not everything I reported got fixed, most of it did. Now it’s just a selling point to milk more money out of people who want to be the first to play.
Hell, even on the live servers every bug I’ve reported over the last year is still in the game. I can disconnect myself on command just by pointing my camera at the right angle and hitting 1 button while flying.

Forcing us to land is fine. The lengthy cast time and forced dismount is the issue, it shouldn’t take longer to switch over now than it did on Monday.

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Oh, I’m not saying THERE IS NO PROBLEM.

I’m saying there is a very small, very very small, almost negligible amount of players yelling here like the world is about to end, while it is not.

Majority of people are vibin, getting their alts ready for TWW, testing new talent builds, adapting to the new way the game it is.

Others are… malding and exaggerating in the forums.

People will have opinions you don’t agree with.

Get over it or don’t play. The end.