Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

they ignored it because it’s not a big deal

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It literally added 5 secs to every single switch between mount types. That means going from a skyriding mount to a normal flying mount takes 4x as long as before. Switching to Druid flight form which is a key class perk now takes 5x as long.

It’s pretty much game breaking for anybody that uses both types of flying which is going to be most people.


It’s the first 24 hours and there’s non-stop posts about it across multiple boards. I’d say it’s an issue for allot of people.

We just went from switching to either or in 1.5 secs to 6.5 secs. Druids went from instant to 5 secs. None of that is a slight change. For many players this is quickly going to add up to minutes extra per day just fidgeting with mounting.


Ok Ok all of the millions of players will die because it takes 10 seconds to switch flying modes. Now about heathstones that take 11 seconds, is that also an issue? Or is that OK because that’s the way it was back in Vanilla?

Oh I agreed it’s annoying…and want it changed too

Where I disagree is all the people acting like it’s the end of the world

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I think their hands have been a little full, trying to get the game to simply function and load. I hope this is something they change in the future, because it’s dumb.

or most of us will just leave it on one

Personally i’m just leaving it on steady flight


offering feedback doesn’t mean they have to take it.


Most who like skyride will keep it on that. Regular flying will keep that.

People who can’t skyride shouldn’t be bothered by the toggle since the don’t like skyriding anyway.

Just whining over nothing


Wha?? 5 seconds to switch flight styles??

Flops over dead


My other favorite is the following:

“Why are you posting feedback on the forum which is designed for posting feedback?”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


They ignored my input requesting a switch to turn dragonriding off period on all of my characters. You win some, you lose some.

Since, if I play at all, I will only use Steady Flight, the switch time doesn’t really impact me at all.

i know i am about to get flak about this but
the 5 sec swap is a better alternative then going to flight trainer and swapping there

what? no… that doesn’t sound like Blizzard at all… :sarcasm:

??? It’s also better than a kick in the nuts but why is that at all relevant?

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at the time we was going to have use the flight trainer to swap over

In the outline stage. But it’s not relevant to now or recent.

You know what would be better than the current design? Simply using a keybind to switch between the flight types. Something that was already in place.

It’s 5 seconds. Get over it. The need for instant gratification is one of the things hurting this game. “I want it now, daddy! I can’t wait 5 seconds or ill die!”


It’s an intentional dark pattern designed to bully players into the conclusion they want.

That conclusion being most players accepting it, preferring sky/dragonriding and rarely ever using normal/steadyflight because it’s too much of a hassle.

But beware they have metrics on this stuff and if most players do that and that flight style stops getting used by max level players they could in future deploy the argument that their metrics say it isn’t used anyways so they’re going to depreciate it even further for anyone but leveling players and practically remove it.


That is a good idea. Too bad BlizZard decided to take a loss on this one when they had an easy win.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: