Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

Hop and plop every 10 feet from mob to mob is a bit ridiculous, imo. To each their own.


It never was difficult and I never claimed it wasn’t. What I am eyerolling over is the pearl-clutching and threats to quit this whole issue has spawned multiple threads about.


Would players vote for an instant hearthstone? Yes

Would players vote for a no-cd hearthstone? Yes

“Should” we make these changes just because it’s possible and convenient? No


It’s not, it’s effective… some of us aren’t warriors with charge or leap on short cd’s.

This here is a valid solution. Way to use the system we already have in place to make the game better. Then to sit here and moan about how you are going to quit because you lose 5 secs of game time. Bravo sir! BRAVO.

None of this is sarcasm.

Ok, like most of us I play multiple classes.

But if you must bring up classes, your “melee” abilities are mostly all basically ranged abilities, and you have a charger to get around fast.

Why would you want to do that?

Sounds like an anti botting thing. If so I’m for it.

Sure, but i still need to get in melee to loot, or get to objectives.
That’s why static flying is faster.

…Lol ok.


That one is best talked around, over, or through. Not with.


I wouldn’t, but blizz has always wanted to drop old flying. The next best thing is getting as few people to use it as possible without looking like they don’t care about the accessibility issues.


Yeah, I just noticed… 1200 posts with 80, now account wide, achievement points.


Your abilities are like what, 15 yards? 20? You’re saying your habit is to fly these short distances to a mob to loot?

Like, mount up and fly for .5 seconds?

Yes, but i’m not talking about 15 yards between mobs, can be 50-100, just look at the distance between stuff on things like the Fyrakk Assault for example.

And like i said, when i see a node on the map i want to get to it fast, using a charge on a mob, a charge on a plant, etc will leave me without.

Yesterday i had no issues traveling, today i do, it’s a clear gameplay downgrade for me(and others).


That might be a possibility.
IF that can be proven, I’ll drop the discussion IF its actually something the works.
Ion has a habit of claiming X and we all know its Y…lol
I do get the war on bots, however…so Im open to hearing the case presented on this one.


I hope not; the gathering bots cratering mat prices are the only thing that makes professions doable for most players.


They couod accomplish the exact same thing with an instant action that automatically dismounts you.

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Okay…but why does that surprise you? They’ve never been so bullheaded. They stopped listening to their customers years ago. They just plow forward with their weird design decisions, and we just deal with it.

In the rare times they communicate, they use poor rational and do the opposite of the logical conclusion based on what they say. I’ve stopped trying to understand their design decisons. I’m not sure they even do.


Yes and that’s my point. Add to that, we have no idea how the vast majority feel about this.

So if someone comes along and says “The devs are not listening to the players” it should read, “The devs are not listening to the very small fraction of 1% of the players”.

And how people get from there to me saying the majority feels the opposite, I have no idea. It means we do not know how the majority feel.