Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

The chanter in our group would charm people into lava pits on our Zek server.

It’s like you could hear the scream of rage reverberate through the internet.

Thats the beauty that is Ion.
He seems to know just how far to skirt the line without actually going over it far enough to break the customer base enough to walk, lol

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I just sit back and laugh that with all of their forced reductive changes, it makes the Blizzard name on their resume that much more negative for them in the future.

I worked at Blizzard entertainment!

“So you helped to destroy your own juggernaut that is now overflowing with bugs? Thanks for your interest, don’t wait for our call.”


Brutal lol. Never tried Zek, I could barely play the regular game back then.

No and that is not close to what I said. We have heard a few complaints out of millions of players. Do you really think that if they allowed three times as many people into beta test there would be millions of people testing?

The fact that a few hundred are discussing this and somewhat split does not mean that we know anything about how the millions of players of this game feel about the topic, as suggested.

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Data. Data. Data. Oh, and storage. We already pay 16/mo for the live service and storage fees for our character data. This is also in perpetuity. I played EQ from when it was released, all the way through Planes of Power, and I can still go back and play that exact same character as he was in 2003 or whatever.

Adding in another line of storage code into an already MASSIVE storage file is silly. Each character alone has a ridiculous amount of data tied to it already. Lots of people have LOTS of toons. Multiply those configurations by that, and yeah - you’d be looking at storage in the exobytes of volume. Because that same code has to then go to each and every toon on your account. Warband activation or not.

This is one of the biggest reasons the Final Fantasy Online series has historically only wanted a person to have 1 character that can do everything with very little limitations other than appearance. 1 characters with 300gigs of data attached to it vs. 50 with 70 gigs. They made you pay for each additional character in 11, and additional $1/mo. 14 removed this, but a lot of people still only play the 1 character since there is not this limitation.

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Yeah I just don’t get it. Once in a quest area, are you lifting off and flying to each next mob? Hop and plop every 10 feet?

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Does changing flight “need” a cast time? No
Does hearthing “need” a cast time? No
Does changing spec “need” a cast time? No
Do dungeon ports “need” a cast time? No

Is it a “slap in the face”? No
Is it “unacceptable”? No


It’s fairly safe to assume that the majority of people would, if not being forum contrarians, either not care or prefer an instant toggle. It’s kind of common sense in a case of convenience like this.


They always ignore player feedback huh? Weird how account wide reps have been player feed back for years, and they are implementing it. But let me
Guess they ignored it and came up with the idea in a staff meeting.

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What’s the 5 second lag?


People are adverse to change. There’s no other logic to it. They’ll A) get used to the toggle and come to accept it, B) they won’t and they’ll find a different game, or C) Blizzard will make a change down the road and adjust it.

All there is to it.


VERY common sense.

Do you want…

  • instant toggle
  • 5 second toggle
  • 2 second toggle

poll the base…anyone responding honestly who ISNT trolling will absolutely say they would prefer the instant toggle.
Anyone claiming otherwise is self deluded


casting time to change between skyriding and steady flight

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Yes, it’s faster and doesn’t consume charges on Skyriding, also it’s especially useful when there are gathering nodes in the area.
It’s a gameplay downgrade for me(and others), that’s why we’re complaining.

Just let us have besides the Toggle ALL mounts, a Toggle Current mount button.
I’d rather have 2 keybindings for different mounts: 1 Skyriding, 1 Stable riding.

Easy fix… wouldn’t even be a technical difficulty.


Sure, I’d love an instant toggle too! But the fact that a 5 second toggle exists doesn’t ruin my day. That’s where the disconnect is.

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They do ignore feedback a LOT…Beta players have confirmed that fact over and over again in here.
The occasions they do actually listen, months will go by with daily screaming in here over X…and then they’ll come back in half a year, toss out a bone and pretend they have listened.

when Im listening to my wife the problem is AVOIDED…not fixed 8 months later.


They already have mount equipment, how difficult would it have been to add a second node for flying mounts where you can select the style of flying per mount?

That would be an upgrade. The current change is a downgrade.


Was that so hard?

See? We all agree that it’s a bad decision that could easily be fixed!


And they were right. Classic vanilla servers are dead. Not to mention all the new QoL things that were added that players cheered on.

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