Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

That made me laugh. Thanks.

skyriding was not thought through - the remodeled one of the most iconic mounts in the game
after tww

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This is why we must have consistency in our posts regarding the over stepped boundaries by BlizZard.

They didn’t consult with the community and also do not communicate which is why the problems grow and grow each day.

To the point it can no longer be ignored as we are closer and closer to TWW.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Prior to patch 11.0 it was possible to switch from dragon riding to flight form in an instant. No delay and no requirements to be grounded. If I wanted to switch from flight form to dragon riding I would have to be grounded but there was not an additional button to push that incurred a 5 second delay. And yes, 5 seconds is not a huge delay but the 5 sec, grounding requirement is horrible. It destroys the whole druid shape shifting fantasy.


The beta is for giving gold farmers a heads up on what’ll be profitable in the next patch. It is absolutely not for player testing.

Do you think this about all feedback on the forum or just this topic?

Between this forum, reddit and several others there are thousands of people entering comments which approaches 1% of the millions who play the game.

When this sinks in for the few dozen (and their alts) that they are less than 0,0001% complaining whilst majority of players are just enjoying the game, they’ll feel so bad for wasting too much time and energy complaining for nothing.

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1% of 4,2 million is 42k

It is not there. Not even in the thousands.
That is a stretch.

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I was being generous.

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ION: Why are you all complaining about dragonriding? Don’t you all have dragons?


It seems they ignore a lot of things. If its not mythic or competitve raiding events, its like who cares.

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I used dragon riding when I want to travel a distance. I use regular for everything else, and it works for me. It’s rough to try to fly a dragon when you’re questing and you need to go 200 feet… Straight up and then straight down into the ground lol


I like how you phrased “all” here like he’s just talking to 10 people in the back complaining, which is the case.

I love skyrider but going from 1.5 second to switch to 6.5 seconds is atrocious.

Imagine if they did that with literally anthing else in the game. 40 second cast hearthstone anyone?


Druids need a win because they have been losing class fantasy tools for a while.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Not as bad as poor shaman… I’m half surprised the tww patch notes didn’t read: Shaman has been removed.


I agree it’s a small percentage. Is what you are saying is that since the sample size is small, we should ignore all feedback or just the ones about the changes to flight?


How many people actually have arachnophobia? If BlizZard can be flexible for those people why not for those that have an easier time playing the game using TBC normal flying?

Easy wins BlizZard go for it.

Don’t paint yourself in a corner again.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


A small percentage of people on Earth tell us, “We are all doomed, the end is near”. Those people say it over and over and over again. No one is out there saying “The end is NOT near, go about your lives normally”. At least not as often and not with as much passion.

So should we all quit our jobs, give up our homes go down to the nearest lake and hold hands waiting for the end to come? After all, “since the sample size is small, we should ignore all feedback?”.

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