Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

Well, it’s an internet forum. The anti always outnumber the pro because people go to forums to either request information or to complain.

No one comes here to tell us how wonderful things are.

Nope. I’m just not bad at Sky Riding like you obviously. What kind of derp wastes time swapping just to do some quests? For the occasional Treasure in a tree sure but you have to be terrible to think you need to swap when questing.

Oh and this is a positing Alt genius. Hopefully like your toon that also has Zero Raid or M+ experience. Other wise hello pot meet kettle.

I usually don’t use new flights. I stick to the old ones.

The new flights have too many drawbacks, some of them are even disgusting. Do you like that during fast flights on a hypothetical rocket, it makes the same wing sound that all mounts do? I can’t even manage to board a dirigible at medium speeds of new flights. My energy runs out quickly, and I can’t just fly straight ahead I have to constantly increase altitude and dive, which is terrible.


To be sure, I think all mounts formerly designated as “Flying” have been replaced/renamed and are now designated as “Skyriding”. There are now just three types of mounts: Aquatic, Ground, and Skyriding. The switch flight style is just that…it toggles between the two flying styles for all mounts except those designated as ground and aquatic.

I responded to you as to why up above, please read it and get back to me.

You’ll wait just like the Dracthyr waited for real Skyriding, and you’ll be happy about it. (sarcasm)

What are you on about? How is “I don’t have a problem with it” indicative of being worked up about anything? I don’t think I could have formulated a less “worked up” response.

In a word…multiplication. That is the big deal about the timer. It’s not 5 seconds a cast. It’s hours of your life waiting for no reason spread out over the next two years.


What hassle?
itʻs 5 measly seconds. almost as long as it takes to mine a node. And it can be done anywhere you can use flight.
Would folks be happy if they made it an instant cast ability but could only be preformed at a dragon rididng trainer?


Gameplay that takes time is fine. Just randomly added waiting is just a silly version of time gating. It’s pointless waiting, that is the whole issue. The idea that it is small so everyone should just shutup is ridiculous for something that could happen many times a game for people who use this function.

Pointless waiting is bad. How is that hard to grasp?


“Yes!! Insta queues for DPS … NOW!”

If they could do that they should. Can they? No! Because there are not enough tanks and healers.

Can they make the flight swap instant cast with no trouble at all? Yes they can.

That response is ridiculous. Maybe you should reread the first word in my comment.

Based on the work done with Shamans, DH and Rogues I am not seeing the results.

I am not from the show me State but I am not seeing the extra help.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


NO they just ignored the BAD feedback on skyriding.

You were not even around when this thread started lol.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I know one bug I found that was squished. I was able to mount on a ground mount and drive in the air… no going up or down though… just drivin around Hammerfall on my Mechan-Hog

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They really dont care what players want. They have proven this over and over again. They know they can screw up over and over and just apologize(falsely) and go right back to what they were doing before.


Okay so…let’s math this.

Hours of your life over a two year period, let’s call that 3 hours in two years. 180 minutes in 730 days, or, 2160 five-second swaps over the course of 730 days.

That’s changing from one mode to the other at least thirty times every single day for two years.

People have called out treasures on ledges and precision landing or navigating around precise terrain. I am a world quest junkie, doing open world content that I fly between from place to place is my jam. I have swapped out my steady flight mount for my dragonriding mount to get to a tricky spot or ledge maybe like…ten times that I can think of in all of Dragonflight.

And I mean, if people want to hover or fly precisely all the time instead because they don’t like dragonriding, that’s all good too. But then why would they be switching back and forth thirty times a day?

I feel like people are trying to do some kind of edge case unintended flight min-maxing or something. If you’re needing to switch between the styles at least thirty times a day over the course of two years, that’s not average-player use of the function.

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Your math is wrong I believe. 2160 / 730 = a bit less than 3
2 years= 730 days
3 hours *60 minutes per hour= 180 minutes
180 minutes * 60 seconds per minute= 10800 seconds of delay
10800/730=15 seconds of delay per day
15/5 = 3 times a day
So 3 times a day only one way. Not 30.

I bet I will hit that, and I don’t do that all that much. It also doesn’t count time to swap back.

If you are going to take a generalized comment to the point of math pedantry at least use excel.

So if you do this say 10 swaps to slow and 10 swaps back…ie 2 ways 10 times a day. You will get 20 * 5 *730=73000 seconds. 73000 /60 = 1216 minutes, which divided by 60 again gives you 20.27778 hours total.

That works out to 20.2778 hours, of totally pointless delay.

Just to belabor the point. 15 swaps back and forth per day would in fact be 15.20833 hours over a 2 year period. Now to be totally fair, it used to take 1.5 seconds. So 15 swaps both ways actually just works out to losing 10.64583 when you do the calc based on 3.5 seconds lost per swap (used to be 1.5 for remount time)

My Druid still has instant cast on flight from, now it doesn’t have instant case on swapping from Skyriding to Steady Flight, but once style is chosen I can instant Cast into flight from, which to me is better because Flight Form had no Skyriding abilities before.