Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

it 5 seconds what ever will you do,

A five sec cast? I don’t understand why everyone is upset with that? Why is everyone is in a rush? What folks should be really upset with is everything in this patch are either bug or broken. But to be upset with five sec switch from skyriding to steady flying is ridiculous.


“Oh no i have to wait 5 seconds, the game is dead and ill never play again” bruh yall are killing the game with your ridiculous complaints


Right, this is why blizzard ignores the community forums. “Nerf this”, “buff this” “I hate this and I hate that”. Do you think that maybe just maybe that Blizzard can’t take community forum that seriously.

Because it’s 5 extra seconds that don’t exist before. Stop slobbing over Blizzard for making the game objectively worse.

Let’s be generous and say that you swap maybe 100 times a day. Thats 5 extra seconds 100 times. 500 seconds about 8 and a half minutes every single day.

Over the course of a week you’ve wasted more than an hour, over the course of a month 4 hours, in under a year you’ve wasted an ENTIRE DAY just swapping mounts modes.

It adds up man.


Sadly, this is also the same team that made the mediocre mount equipment and just abandoned it.

People can be upset about both :roll_eyes:

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That is another Ion scary moment too if I remember right

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LOL why would anyone need to swap 100 times a day.

And? Your input wasn’t valid for the game. Not all input is worth addressing

Everyone has a different play style. Many seem to out number the acceptance crowd.

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Nothing scary about that statement. Players are far more ignorant about the needs of a game but feel entitled due to their momentary feelings

Well as told to me by many posters here when I argue about Steady flight aka TBC flying stuck with Pathfinder for TWW
as said to me and many others that are disabled and have issues with Dynamic flying aka dragon flying
Just Deal with it as you told us to deal with it

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Blizzard under Activision
we know better than the players
Blizzard under Microsoft
we still know better than the players
nothing changes it stayed the same or has even gotten worse.


Just to say “I need to swap 100 times a day so it is 500 seconds I’m not playing!! How dare you take 500 seconds of my game play just to swap mount styles?”

People need to get a grip.

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No dude what’s embarrassing is you thinking you need to swap all the time.

It is also entirely possible that there is a code structure reason as to why you need to land and swap, and the length of time that takes.

Naturally I do not know, but my inclination is to believe this over any other reasons posited.

There are only 2 reasons for the toggle.

Blizz doesn’t want players to swap all the time and it’s a deterrent or as you said there’s a tech reason.


Stop dude. Just because you can’t fathom why someone would want to toggle frequently you clearly don’t actually play the game; you either raid log or sit in the main town whining about politics in trade chat.

And judging by your frankly embarrassing gear level, I’m going to just assume you are the latter.

they always ignore feedback