Blizzard ignored player feedback on sky riding

Well yeah of course they ignored feedback. Blizzard historically has always been stubborn and never admits fault when they are wrong about anything in the game. They will ask for the feedback and promptly ignore it bc they think they know best and then 2-3 years later they do an interview and get retrospective and admit they were wrong and want to be more open and flexible and promptly do nothing different. it just never ends lmao

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Whining about 5 seconds…what a bunch of entitled crybabies…Get over it…

As it should be. You wanna go double as fast? You don’t get to float and afk. You wanna float around and be lazy? You go half as fast. It’s not normal/common to be constantly switching between the 2 so the 5 second cast on the ground seems totally fine. However, we do live in a world now where the whiny weird 1% are constantly catered to so I wouldn’t be surprised if they change it eventually.

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How can you say that? We just got arachnophobia mode /s

Ya, always had two on my bar. One Dragon riding and one normal flying. One has speed the other has control, and i switched often. The fact that I now have a cast time each time I want to change for something that was basically instant before is a definite decline in quality of life. I would rather have what we had over this.


Is that not how you land with Dragonriding? /j

I just came back before the pre-patch and was given DR from the start, I haven’t even touched old “flying.”

I am still wondering where that even came from. I doubt it came from the players.

I’m convinced it was solely for the memes

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So many people crying about sky riding, give it up. Sky riding is the most fun I’ve ever had playing wow, it actually made flying worth it. I have to pay attention, it’s interactive, it’s fast, and mosy importantly it just feels fun to do sky ride. I understand there is a small but vocal group of sky riding haters and you are allowed to have your opinion as I have mine, but for everyone in the comments saying “none of us want this Blizz doesn’t listen” you are wrong, me and everyone I know in wow love sky riding and don’t want them to touch it at all.


This needs to be an instant switch. If not, at least let us designate a single mount that can do the other riding that isn’t selected. It’s annoying to want to switch when you get to a quest area; before I could “skyride” to an area then hop on a “steady” mount to move to mobs/collect things. Now, I have to waste time switching. Sure, it won’t kill me, but it is now 500% more annoying and dumb.


Complains about wanting to skyride but wanting to use their old mounts.

Gets ability to skyride with old mounts.

Complains it isn’t the epitome of convenience and that blizzard never listens after implementing a change 100% from player suggestion.

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No it doesn’t. Learn how to press buttons while flying. It’s not that big a deal.

I can’t believe everyone is having a melt down over this.

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I am pretty sure it is done this way to prevent hit and run tactics in world pvp, resource gathering, rare spawns, etc.

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This… it’s a downgrade in quality of life, and people are arguing against having a QoL when it doesn’t impact them.


I can, there are people with disabilities that need a change, and there are people arguing against it.

Exactly, movement and exploration feels objectively worse now.

I’m not even going to touch on the bugs, pre patch made the game in general just feel worse.

In all the pre patches I’ve done, the only one that’s felt about as bad as this is Warlords.


Lets do the math here for the flying toggle.

It’s a 1.5s cast to summon the mount. Then another 5s to switch to static. (which dismounts you). You then, have to summon the mount again for another 1.5s. Thats 8s before you can take off. If you want to switch back thats another 5s. Pointless. Remove the cast time

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I think this one is worse, we got no communication this time.

AND the event launched with the pre patch and also came with the first stat squish which caused…. Issues with scaling to say the least.