Blizzard, if you don't make your next blue post about how sharding is NOT going to be in the game

no one cares if you play or not.


Got annything to back this up?


Yelling like a troll, without proper knowledge.

Realll nice,

I don’t care that it’s perfect, I care that sharding is not in it.

No sharding.

that’s a slipery slope, if they have sharding in the first two zones, who’s to say that they can’t have sharding in all the zones? who’s to say that they won’t just have sharding forever?

So basically, you are going to ignore impact of server mergers to maintain #NoChange

Great solution… /sarc

The devs working on Classic aren’t the same devs working on retail. If they say they don’t want sharding in the game themselves and plan to only use it for emergencies, I’m more inclined to believe them than Ion.

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Server mergers were part of vanilla. so that’s not exactly a change.

I would rather that they did something else if they had an emergency. Sharding is just too much of a slippery slope for that.

There’s nothing else they can do, bud.

They could figure something out.

If they can take the time and effort to avoid sharding, that’s all I ask.

6/10, good effort OP.

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Hold your #noChange in one hand and your ultimatum in the other. See which one fills up first.

If you can’t discuss the why’s and why not’s of the situation without spamming ultimatums and #noChange. Blizzard no reason to listen.

On a plus side. More people holding to your Ultimatum means less need for sharding.

Blizzard already said they will be happy with 10’s of thousands of players.

No they literally just said “tens of players.” Not tens of thousands. lol

Also, @Boolint – Server merges were NEVER part of Vanilla. Those didn’t come around until Crapaclysm.

And the reason why they didn’t come around until then was because Vanilla was actually good.

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Not having sharding or server merges had NOTHING to do with how good the game was.

Classic will be good with or without sharding.

Lol you probably are right. I may have added the thousands.

Do you honestly expect Classic to continue to grow? Oh wait, vanilla grew so no changes?

NO, Classic will be bad with sharding.

I’m kind of done with this thread, so You will get my daily reminder that Blizzard hasn’t addressed the sharding issue later today at 6 o’clock sharp.

I look forward to your riveting replies then.

Sharding isn’t an issue. Server merges are.



do not play.