Blizzard, if you don't make your next blue post about how sharding is NOT going to be in the game

No, it was meant for you. It’s an answer to your question of why Blizzard don’t want to add more servers to Classic.

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There is no problem that blizzard can’t fix.

They can fix the sharding problem on RP servers, just as they could not have sharing on Classic.

I don’t know why they havn’t fixed that, and to be honest that isn’t a good sign for not having sharding on classic.

I believe I did, you must have missed it.

if it was part of vanilla, then yes.

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Yea and this is what no one wants silly. Sharding for a couple weeks vs server merging due to dead servers… Surely you are trolling us.


You’re wasting your time sharding is not going anywhere.

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They can’t fix it because the infrastructure is already in place and ALL their games are running on it. They’d have to spend a boatload of time and money installing a Battlenet 3.0 and shifting all their games and the launcher to that new platform just to appease a small group of people.

Not worth it.


I’m going to write a daily reminder that blizzard hasn’t addressed the issue until they do or classic comes out.

If you think that’s a waste of time then you’re welcome to you’re opinion.

Then they just have to change their infrastructure, or write some new programs to make sharding not a part of the game.

I know they can do it.

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I guess whe have a Pserver player who wants to reexpreience his Pserver experience.


Server technology has changed dramatically since 2004.

You can find blizzard servers on ebay.

Now we use virtual servers. Hardware has gotten to the point where one physical device can run multiple virtual instances of WoW at the same time.

They could just add more ‘servers’ to bridge the gap, then merge them when the player population drops. Player population will drop. There will be a rush of people to try classic, then most of the people will quit.

Personally I think merging servers is a poor solution, as it means players will lose their names. They will lose their ‘identity’ of being on a particular server.

A more elegant solution would be to just have one classic server and have all the players log onto the same server. Use sharding to ensure that players always have the cities / zones full but not overbursting. This will be critical to help find players to run instances, as there will not be a LFG tool.

When a player logs into a zone, they will automatically be merged with the same shard as people in their friends or guild list. This will ensure you can always find your friends.

Assign each account a ‘shard ID’, which relates to the shard that each player will, by default, be logged into. This ‘shard ID’ will ensure that, by default, when a player goes into a city they will see the same people. You will get to know that one guy who is doing enchanting because you always see them in the same server.

What is the advantage of this over regular ‘servers’? You don’t have to worry about merging or expanding new servers. You have one server. WoW Classic.

They can, but they won’t because it’s going to take a LOT of time and money with little reward from it, as I said before. Just because it’s a billion-dollar company does NOT mean it’s allowed to just spend money willy-nilly.

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Isn’t that a crappy form of sharding? Guilds shattered, communities mixed…


The problem with this is there’s more than one type of player. I’m a roleplayer, I need to roll on an RP server. If there’s no RP server, and only a “Classic” server, then what the hell is the benefit to me or to other players like me?


If they arn’t going to, then they should have never started this project to begin with, for all that it’s worth.

Because that’s what it would be worth, zilch, nada.

If blizzard truely cared about the project then they would spend the money and they would make the effort. There is nothing else too it.

Don’t play then :wave:t6:


I’m more interested in server caps and how they plan to keep servers alive after the great tourist Exodus…and what happens when they come back during content drought.

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They’re a business, not a charity.


I didn’t say they are.

I would be willing to pay 60 bucks and a separate sub to play classic with no sharding. That is how much value I place on a shardingless classic.

Did u get that it’s just the first 2 starter zones? which is like 6% of all leveling content

No, they said first few weeks, sharding for all the game.

I don’t know what to tell you then. Blizzard clearly disagrees with how Classic should be viewed. It’s not the main game, it’s an alternative for players who miss the old world and old quests and old gameplay systems.

It was never going to be a perfect 1:1 recreation of Vanilla. Only delusional people ever thought that.

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kek, they didn’t. They said the first 2 starting zones or so, not really clear. and it would only last a week or 2. It won’t be the whole game xD

Because there will be alot of people sightseeing… Do u want to end up with a dead server? no…

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