Blizzard hates PvP and PvPers

I mean you’re saying Blizzard during Classic days didn’t care for PvP. Otherwise if this was about retail they are putting thought into it… but not in ways people wanted to because that constant balancing seems to just streamline classes too much.

Imagine being like you and preferring to fight scripted bots instead of actual humans? rofl… People like you are the reason WoW is casual garbage. Even if you like pvp, if you don’t prefer arenas then you are not even playing real pvp and you could never learn to actually be good at this game. wpvp and BG’s, is literally unranked pvp hence it requires no skill and is almost as big of a joke as fighting bots like most people in this game. All people like you are such garbage players rofl.

okay… lol

Well said. I did my fair share of BGs in Vanilla and tried to see how I’d rank once or twice (spoiler; not well). Once TBC came around and I fell in love with BGs it really put the changes they made to classes and PvP itself into perspective.

I wish they had made some changes to the PvP gear system as I don’t think it’s right to have to raid to get competetive gear. The current retail honor system of having to reach X “rank” to unlock gear would have been perfect while leaving titles alone to be the bragging rights aspect. But, we’ve got what we’ve go and we’ll have to make the best of it.

Thank Sylvanas we can twink.

I pvped quite a bit until the comp driven faux esport of arenas showed up.

Also, why are you here? If you were really into pvp, you would be playing a game built for it and not stroking that micro epeen all over the internet about a game that has never had real, balanced pvp and especially in a forum for that game that specifically doesn’t have what you and your brain cell “think” you want. My word, you would have to get smarter just to be stupid.

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Imagine if you could only get raid loot if you killed the pixel dragons faster than everyone else on the server. Sounds pretty stupid, doesn’t it?

That’s not an apt comparison.

Doing the PVP grind is a choice.
Raiding is a choice.

The gear you get from both takes a long time to get.
You could run MC for weeks and never see a piece of gear for your class drop.

It only takes a long time if you are unlucky, vanishingly so over a long timeline. There’s no luck involved with the fact that you will never get r13/14 without beating other players to the punch. Add to that the fact that killing scripted boss encounters makes it easy for you to walk into PvP and wipe the floor with people on the rank grind. The fact that raiding and PvPing are both a choice has zero bearing on any argument. It’s a choice to play WoW or go to the bar. It’s a choice to eat food or die of starvation… there are lots of choices out there. The fact that that the results of said choice varies isn’t an OK result in this dynamic. Also, the fact that you are referring to OP as entitled for pointing out the fairly obvious discrepancy between PvP and PvE loot acquisition is ironic in the extreme.

PvP/PvE is a schism anyway. When I am competing for an ore node, even against somebody of my own faction I am competing against another player. Player versus player. Competing with gold in the AH, etc.

PvP is a poorly defined meme that people toss around and whose unclear definition just spurs most of the forum battles about it. Too often it’s just a proper noun that people use as a battle club.

“PvP” and “PvE” are the plastic fantastic memes, the coin of the realm. For weary endgamers.

If you don’t like the PVP grind, don’t do it.
Pretty simple.

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Couldn’t agree more. The best thing they ever did was make PvP a viable way to level and gear up along the way. I have almost no interest in PvE, and zero interest in whatever lore is scripted outside of my own experiences with other players.

Thanks, I’m glad you’ve realized your argument is invalid and have to resort to a false dilemma in order to save face.

Except Arena came out before they ever considered it for an esport.

You’re a salty boy.

The PVP grind was recognised by blizzard as being terrible which is why they removed it for BC. Thing is though, they’re trying to create the “Vanilla experience” so we get the janky honor system which no-lifers can game so that nobody else can get the PVP gear.

If you know you’re never going to get rank 13/14 because of dudes without jobs playing 24/7, don’t even bother trying.

There’s like a 90% chance that blizzard will not alter the honor system because the uproar would be phenomenal.

Ah, so I’m salty, yet you’re the one who felt so threatened by my argument that you had to result to fallacy? Riiiight.

I’d say there’s a 90% chance blizzard will alter the honor system because it becomes mathematically unlikely that there will ever be a R14, due to server pop being much high than in Vanilla. That and the rampant ToS abuse that will occur by people trying to rank.

There was no fallacy you walking salt mine.
If you don’t like the PVP grind don’t get on the treadmill.
I’m not doing it, but that’s because I PVP for fun not for the gear.
I expect I’ll get rank 4-6 just from incidental PVP and I’m okay with that because I really don’t like BGs and BGs are the best way to farm honor.

You don’t understand what that means, but that’s okay.

I wouldn’t hate more routes to gain gear through PvP alone and without having to set foot in dungeons/raids.

But I also wouldn’t want to be forced to do Arenas just for gear.

Overall, the Honor System is fine in Classic, if everyone could obtain the High Warlord of the Horde or the Grand Marshal of the Alliance we’d be playing modern WoW again.

Hahaha, please. Enlighten us, oh internet troll.