Blizzard hates PvP and PvPers

The only thing I used the server line for was to 8x8 my magery on a boat. It’s much more fun to camp popular housing areas :stuck_out_tongue:

When did you ever get all the gear you wanted?

When it was enough to play at a competitive level.

So you didn’t… Or did everyone else stop when you said?

I pvped a ton in vanilla. I lost the urge once it became about gayrenas.

I got gear to the point where I could outplay to win rather then rely on it as a crutch to win.

Having reached rank 11 by accident, simply by pvping in some form or another while the rest of the server was in MC, I’d suggest it’s less a grind and more a passive reward system for people who pvp.

It becomes a grind after rank 12.
Getting 10-12 is pretty easy if you like BGs

There is a reason the honor system was completely dismantled for TBC. It was a horrible system that encouraged TOS violations, people to do things that are bad for their health, and overall poor sportsmanship.

The way gear was earned for arena was better for the most part, but Arena itself was pretty meh and led to bad balancing decisions and homogenization.

Then why the @&^3 are you playing classic for pvp then if you apparently know this? This is not a new version of WoW we are playing.

sees post

undead rogue
big sigh , move on

WoW wasn’t originally planned as focusing on PvP that’s why. That’s why the class balance in power is so different.

Actually back then balance wasn’t a concern, classes being different was. The roleplay roots and all. It wasn’t until everyone felt they should be able to 1v1 other people that "balance’ changes started coming.

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It didn’t encourage any of those things, those are things that people who have to “Win at any cost” chose to do.
No lifers ruined it by having no life and cheating.

That’s not exactly true; in the sense each was a different type of game. I’ll give you an example in UO I use to put on a white robe and hang around the banks…I’d walk up to players and steal something small like house keys or a rune cause if they yelled for Guards most of the time it was so small I didn’t get caught. I’d then tell the person “Thank you for the donation” and proceed to walk off. Now 9/10 a player would see me do this, and decide they’re going to kill me because since i stole from them they were freely able to attack me…Well they’d follow me away from people and attack only to realize that I was actually fully geared to the teeth and i’d murder them incredibly fast…now I had all their stuff…

you will never get that experience in Classic or Vanilla WoW, you’ll get your own experience that will be completely different but that experience is something only UO could of provided.


Thats not true. 1v1 was never the reason they tired to balance it. No expansion is 1v1 balanced and its getting worse with each expansion. If you thought mage vs war in vanilla was bad go try your luck at mage v war in TBC. Unless you play against an absolute rookie, its almost impossible to win vs a frost mage with double ele. Blizz just realized the pvp scene was bigger than they thought and they wanted to give pvpers some sort of venue while tuning down on big massive pvp raids to stabilize servers and lower the risk of frequent crashes: Hence arena pvp.

It’s 100% true. The original classes were based on old roleplay idea that each class had pros, cons, and differences. Once more and more people started playing WoW and complaining about “imbalance” Blizzard stared making changes.

Aye and then you end up in WOTLK where every class has execute and MS and is basically the same cookie cutter version of the next class. It just went downhill from vanilla.


UO was in a league of its own… no game has ever come close to giving me the rush you get from pvp in UO… and people call classic sandbox lol

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MoP was best pvp expansion, WoD and Legion killed pvp off.

This. What happened to the real good ole days?

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