It is quite obvious most of blizzard at the time just hated PVPers for some reason. The rank grind is just completely messed up… and this is coming from a vanilla enthusiast and long time P server player. I have only ever been a PvPer ever since I played original vanilla, and throughout, I have never done raids until the P servers, and never done dungeons more than I need to.
Most expacs have been kinder to PvPers than vanilla, but each time we kept getting BSed one way or another, I dont remember the specifics because there is too much instances but anyway. PvP always felt like an afterthought even though it is objectively much more complicated, longer lasting content than PvE will ever be.
But Vanilla just hates PvPers. Not only is the actual grind of PvP a horrendous, horribly planned, completely stupid en devour full of exploits, you are still forced to PvE for many other things, notably rings, necks, and weapons. On top of that, most PvP gear is horribly designed, especially the hybrid ones. The only good ones are mage, warlock, warrior and shadow priest, and rogue ONLY if you like high stam.
The actual vanilla PvP system is just pure grind, and was always exploited by acc sharers and win traders. It is extremely unhealthy and FORCES you to LITERALLY no life. Not just the no lifing of an average wow hardcore player, this is literally constant BGs for 16 hours a day, or 24 because of account sharers.
The grind amount itself is not really the problem, the problem is if you take even a single days break, let alone a week, you are severely behind, especially if you are in rank 12-13 area.
Now… before you guys spaz out and tell me to go away no changes etc… I am not asking at all to change anything. Blizz will not put any money or even a single thought towards PvP, do I really think they would put any effort whatsoever to change it? yea right lol.
I just wanted to complain and discuss.