Blizzard hates PvP and PvPers

It is quite obvious most of blizzard at the time just hated PVPers for some reason. The rank grind is just completely messed up… and this is coming from a vanilla enthusiast and long time P server player. I have only ever been a PvPer ever since I played original vanilla, and throughout, I have never done raids until the P servers, and never done dungeons more than I need to.

Most expacs have been kinder to PvPers than vanilla, but each time we kept getting BSed one way or another, I dont remember the specifics because there is too much instances but anyway. PvP always felt like an afterthought even though it is objectively much more complicated, longer lasting content than PvE will ever be.

But Vanilla just hates PvPers. Not only is the actual grind of PvP a horrendous, horribly planned, completely stupid en devour full of exploits, you are still forced to PvE for many other things, notably rings, necks, and weapons. On top of that, most PvP gear is horribly designed, especially the hybrid ones. The only good ones are mage, warlock, warrior and shadow priest, and rogue ONLY if you like high stam.

The actual vanilla PvP system is just pure grind, and was always exploited by acc sharers and win traders. It is extremely unhealthy and FORCES you to LITERALLY no life. Not just the no lifing of an average wow hardcore player, this is literally constant BGs for 16 hours a day, or 24 because of account sharers.

The grind amount itself is not really the problem, the problem is if you take even a single days break, let alone a week, you are severely behind, especially if you are in rank 12-13 area.

Now… before you guys spaz out and tell me to go away no changes etc… I am not asking at all to change anything. Blizz will not put any money or even a single thought towards PvP, do I really think they would put any effort whatsoever to change it? yea right lol.

I just wanted to complain and discuss.


It was their first attempt at quantifying pvp in an era where pvp was pretty sketchy. Heck, it wasn’t a selling point back then. It wasn’t until BC that they started figuring things out. Pretty much, thank DAOC there’s any pvp in classic at all.

So, with all you’ve said, what else is there to discuss? It is what it was and that’s the way it will be.



Sorry chief, you’re simply wrong. Vanilla pvp (along with the very beginning of TBC PvP) was what it should have always been. A fun aside to the game that had some cool stuff in it. Sadly, they decided that it needed to be an esport, and ruined it forever.


You are not forced to do anything with your PvP. Ranks are optional. Even being on a PvP server is optional. You can kick up the dust by killing NPCs to flag yourself and see who will come try to stop you.

Certainly ranking is completely optional.

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“The actual vanilla PvP system is just pure grind” ?
wtf dude the whole game is pure grind and retail is just worst.
classic is just better.


true but grinding rating is more fun


But vanilla PVP is a vast improvement over Ultima online PVP

LOL, this thread is hilariously absurd.

The topic creator is wrong, and so is everyone trying to counter his point.

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elaborate, i dont see what ur getting at lol

Mixed thoughts on this. The intense grind to the top is part of what prevents a content lull for those who enjoy PvP. It is unreachable for most (myself included), and can burn people out for sure. Time spent playing truly pays off though. Your dedication has meaning.

For an MMO, I always thought time spent should have the highest value–just my opinion, though. Maybe the classic rewards have room for improvement though…I’d like to hope they learned something in 15 years…no comment on that part :X

yes i agree, but its the fact that it has to be done in basically one sitting, you can’t take any breaks for 3 months or its all for nothing.

Blizzard loves money. They have extremely detailed data and they looked at the numbers and decided pve was what people wanted the most. More than pvp. So they invested most in pve, secondarily in pvp. Maybe they made mistakes in how it was implemented, that’s my opinion, but the reason was always to give the people what they wanted so most would keep playing and blizz would make the most money possible

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Totally untrue. I got very rich in UO from murdering players and taking all their stuff… which is what should happen when you kill people… you take their money and their stuff!


Instanced PvP has always been an afterthought minigame and it has been one of the leading factors in the constant reworking of skills and power in this game. It has been years of nerf batting one and buffing another going round and round.

Primarily this is a PvE game with some PvP in the background.

This isnt a moba. Pvp is only one small facet of wow. The other 3/4 is pve.

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If it wasn’t so easy to cheat (share account, hire people to grind honor for you), I’d say it would be a fair system

You all try to say that it’s fair because it rewards effort? It also rewards cheating. I can’t even suggest to report someone who is online 20 hours a day on these forums, because people freak out on me and say it’s an abuse of the reporting system. As if it’s more likely that a single person is playing 20 hours a day versus sharing their account with guildmates/friends/farmers

I am calling it now, more than half the people you see above rank 12 WILL BE CHEATING. So no, not a fair system, not by a longshot


Originally when WoW was still in development, they didnt intend to have pvp, horde and alliance were going to be friendly with one another and everyone was going to pick flowers and quest together in peace and harmony… There was a large request from people to have pvp in the game … and not sure how it went from there…

I never understood why they made it so hard to get, yet epic pve gear is easy to obtain… let the pvpers be pvpers and the raiders raid for their gear… everyone wins… but unfortunately that isnt the case


I dont necessarily think Blizz ever hated pvp but they improved with TBC and Wotlk which is only natural.

I vastly prefer the next 2 xpacs pvp model, balance, specs ect.
Its why I came back for classic to show support in the hope TBC is next. I’m more in the camp of reward skill not time spent, which is the opposite of classic.

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I don’t think it’s reasonable to assert that they have any problem with PVP. They certainly don’t believe it’s a “side game” as some people have asserted.

They’re just not very good at making appropriate rewards for a competitive ecosystem, and they never have been.

It’s not mathematically possible for 1 human to get rank 14. They would literally die from having to stay up for weeks at a time.

40k people on a server = Account sharing to grind rank 14