Blizzard Has Not Lied To Anybody

Any one who knew the bare minimum about the covenant system knew they couldn’t just give us the abilities as talents due to the 3-4 interactions with other covenant aspects.

Any that continued to think that they could and should were misinformed.


Actually, most people have very little knowledge about it, personal or otherwise, and are trusting that the hype will become reality. That didn’t work out so well in BfA, as we were blanketed by hype threads that kept people waiting for the promised (by pro-blizz forum posters) redemption of the expansion, followed by silence as players asked, “This is what we got?”

Blizzard has used up all its good will. Feel free to show us your numbers. Right now people I talk to in game don’t seem to understand how these systems are going to work, and may be surprised, and not in a happy way.


There is still content that I enjoy. I don’t care how they feel about me as much as they care how I feel about them. There are still some things in here that I deem worth the money,and they want the money.

I mean Ion 100% lied about being able to pull the ripcord. He told Preach they had a plan B ready. Then he Confirmed in his post they weren’t able to without major rework. That’s the lie.

You don’t have to be upset about their decision. But he 100% lied and that can’t be denied.


Ion: Don’t worry, we’re not taking flying away permanently, it’ll be back in the first content patch of WoD, we’re just trying to see how things go when we drag it out a little bit.

Ion: We’ve decided that maybe the 2nd content patch is better.

Ion a few months later via obscure interview on holiday weekend: Yeah, we’re not giving it back ever lol


This is the point, this statement and:

Cannot co-exist. You can disagree with pulling the ripcord and it doesn’t really matter where you land on the side of fence but it was a lie.

The ripcord existing was a lie in attempts to calm down people who had extreme concerns about the system.

This is absolutely spot on, both his comments cannot co-exist in good faith.

You can agree with Ion on every single one of his systems and defend Blizzard to the ends of the earth but this is objectively a lie, it’s not up for discussion.


You nailed it.

That has nothing to do with what I said. It is well established that player feedback is correct. It has been the case for a while now. Blizzard even recognizes that, or they wouldn’t fix the problems in ways that have been specifically laid out by players. So it is beyond me why they keep ignoring the feedback, to just fix the system they were told was bad, in the way they were told would fix it. It’s an endless cycle of “make bad call, fix bad call with player advice”. The cycle could end if they would just listen to advice and realize that the players know how the game works.


They don’t really have to lie. Some folks have such blind loyalty to this company that they would give blizz money no matter the situation.

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This isn’t even the first time Ion has lied though,

His team confirmed in legion legendaries wouldn’t be nerfed and then… did.


For most of us, it’s a concept called ‘sunken cost fallacy’. Basically, we have invested so much time and money into this game that it feels bad to just… walk away, as if everything we’ve done, everything we’ve spent, has all amounted to nothing. Especially since we still want to love the game, as we have for years.

I’ve played since vanilla (and no, I don’t want to go back and play classic), and I’ve had a lot of highs and lows playing this game. Vanilla was fun. I loved BC. I loved WotLK. Cata was… eh. I loved MoP the most. I hated WoD. I loved Legion. I hated BFA. I am NOT one of those players who cannot embrace change, and I am NOT a min maxxer, and I’m certainly not hardcore. But I see nothing but problems in the covenant system. Pulling the ripcord was the best chance for covenants.

I also can’t see why some are so against the ripcord. How does having more freedom to play the character the way you want to, whether it’s for min maxing or for finding the build you find most fun, hurt you? Opening up choices and removing arbitrary week long cooldowns only benefits everyone. Even the RPers benefit as you could then mix and match your chosen covenant aesthetics with the abilities of another covenant, making a combination perfect for your character.

I just do not understand how people could be so against such creative freedom.


Because it doesn’t add a sense of pride in the choice I made. It doesn’t allow me to actually develop an emotional bond to the choice I committed to.

I was a Prot Paladin in vanilla, arguably one of the worst playstyles you can get in back then. Had I the option to simply go Holy or Ret whenever I felt like the class would have gotten stale, and I wouldn’t force myself to adapt to my unique situation.

Choices and consequences make a game more engaging. It brings more purpose.

Giving us all options at all times makes the feeling mute. It’s like turning cheats on in a game, it actually damages the experience more than helps. That is why I love the current Covenant design.


I don’t buy it. That’s just a low rent excuse. This is a game. Nothing more than a mere video game. The insanely greater majority of us do not make a dime from playing this game. If the game isn’t fun then find a new game.

I’ve played for many years as well, I’ve also taken breaks when I am not having fun. Eventually, I come back.

I don’t see why people are against accepting personal responsibility instead of wanting to easy way out all of the time. Meaningful choices are not a bad thing. Thinking about what we’re doing isn’t bad.


Notice how almost all players in the actual beta have issues with covenants, even blizzards own MVP’s have been roasting them. It’s LFR players and pet battlers on GD forums are the only people defending them purely because they don’t care one way or the other and like seeing “elitists” gameplay damaged.

4000 likes, vocal minority btw.


You think 4k “likes” on a forum is a big number… when there are potentially a few million players? lol yeah.

Most players come to the forum to complain, it’s easy to gather support for anything that is against something in the game or something against Blizzard. I’d prove this to you by making a new thread with asinine comments and theories about why Blizzard is so bad and why the game sucks but I don’t care to get spam reported for trolling and it actually gets me actioned.

Yeah I’m not sure why this is so hard to get. Ion says the rip cord exists to fix the problem, and then later says it wasn’t ever really a viable option. It’s either a lie or a misunderstanding of the system he is in charge of.


Nice excuse, where’s your 4k post in support of covenants?

Oh, you don’t have one, every single post about covenants pro covenant players get massively out voted by everyone else.

You’re the minority.

You were wrong about essences.

You were wrong about corruptions.

You’ll be wrong about covenants too.


I think Ion knew a lot more of the hard-core audience was watching and were nervous about covenants.

He said this as a way to totally placate the audience but now we’re finding out (according to him) it’s systemically unfeasible.


You ever see a pro vaccer argue with anti vaccers in their own community? The pro vaccers is downvoted mate

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“In their own community”

This is the WoW forums, the GD forums themselves are known for being full of casual / bad players (other WoW boards even meme on them) yet pro covenant players are still outnumbered here on their own turf.