Blizzard Has Not Lied To Anybody

Uh oh, rank 1 player coming in. Watch out.



Maybe try having a discussion instead of thinking you’re on a tier that you’re not thinking you can run people down.

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I wonder what it’s like being someone that feels the need to defend multi billion dollar corporations from their customers when they get called out lol


You can’t have a conversation with you though? You brown nose every bad decision Blizzard makes and use circular logic purely for the sake of arguing.

Once again, you were wrong about essences, you were wrong about corruptions and now you’ll be wrong about this.


While there is often good, constructive player feedback, there are also always a great many voices asking for things that make little sense.

When they appear to be taking player advice, it might mean that they’ve agreed with this all along. But if “player advice” is accompanying a great many outraged forum complaints and a mass exodus of angry players, it’s probably the loss in sub numbers that is triggering a response.

I appreciate you playing vanilla prot pally, respect for that. I played Feral Druid myself (even ot’ed for my raid group, only got to early BWL though), which was also not a popular choice. But I respectfully disagree that these are the same things.

Vanilla specs were more flexible, and less defining. You could respec fairly easily, provided you had the gold for it, and generally speaking as long as you had a couple of the primary talents (like Arms Warrior taking Mortal Strike) you were good to go regardless of your other talent allocations. There was no meta, simming was a very rare thing, and people were entirely new to the game and understood nothing.

Times change. For many classes, there is one covenant ability that greatly outperforns the others. There are also specific buffs in dungeons you can only get with a player who has a specific covenant. These two facts, as well as aesthetic preferences, conflict with each other. You like Venthyr, but Maldraxxus has your best power, and that party needs a Kyrian? You now need to choose between aesthetic, player progression, and fitting in with a dungeon. Talents NEVER did that to you.

And, I get it, not everyone cares about power and prefers the aesthetic. Great. Power to you. But if you ever want to try the other covenants out? Obligatory arbitrary 2 week wait until you can go back to your covenant. Want to try out some new conduits and see if they’re fun? Bam, stuck with them for a week, like it or not.

As for sunk cost fallacy, it is a very real thing, and it affects every aspect of our lives. Whether something is important or not, even something as trivial as a video game, sunk cost fallacy exists. Not everyone will feel it for the same thing, I certainly won’t tell you you couldn’t quit if you tried due to your investment into your character, but many ARE affected by it. We have so many fond memories of our character and our time in WoW that we want to continue loving the game. And indeed, there is several aspects to the game I still enjoy, but
 It’s getting harder and harder for me to justify my time here because of the multitudes of poorly designed systems layered on top of each other, designed not to have fun, but to keep me ingame grinding away in my skinner box

Did you play classic? There were a great many different named feral druid builds. When you said what build you were using, everyone knew exactly what you meant, what your capabilities were, and what sort of gear you had in your bag to switch roles.

Of course not. Ion has a background in Law, so he knows how to say things in such a way that it’s Not lying.

It’s just not what we thought he meant.


Yes there were several different builds, alamo says hi, but
 it still wasn’t a popular choice. Certainly not before the class revamps came out, which allowed even OOMkin a role, albeit also an unpopular one, hence the name OOMkin.

Granted prot paladins had it far harder as they were more or less the worst even after the class revamps, but still. When like 80% of the enemies in MC are immune to bleed effects, which cat druid relied upon, it’s not gonna be popular :stuck_out_tongue:

Another way to describe this is being stubborn.


Ok. But they did stretch the truth a bit.

It’s an ego thing. Guess we have to let the masses try their crappy system and realize “hey, this feels bad”. Fix in 9.1 to a round of “omg blizzard listened again!”

See you in the next round of realm merges.


Sometimes that’s a good thing. It’s not always bad.

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What’s pretty clear is that they never had any intention of pulling the ripcord before the expansion goes live. No matter how much negative feedback builds up around the current Covenant system. We’ll get to 9.1 or 9.2 and we’ll get another “we’re listening” as they finally get around to fixing something they should have fixed during the beta.


Yeah. They stuck to their guns for a whole expansion to have GCDs for power up abilities.

Were they sticking to their guns? Sure. Was it a completely stupid move to have GCDs on them at all? Yes again.


We have a ripcord and can pull it.

Players want the ripcord pulled.

We can’t pull the cord because it wouldn’t work.

Hmm. seems like a lie to me.


Vanilla is the original game. Classic, which I was referring to, is the recreation blizzard created, based on the original game, changes to make it more like retail, and changes to make it more like the devs thought it should have been in the first place.

i agree
 they dont need to lie
 but i dunno what it is
 that higher ups dont give the devs enough time/resources, or pride/ego
 they lie to get the content out as it is

they just lie
 like how they lie that they can balance covenant abilities

lets do a bit of MATHS
 not only do they need to balance all 4 covenant abilities for each class to one another
 for every type of content (raiding, m+, arenas, rbg? dunno about that last one)
 but they have to also balance it with all the available classes
 so thats what 4 x 3 x 12 = 144 situations
 if they just had all the abilities swappable
 it would be balancing 1 x 3 x 12 = 36 situations (1 you can swap abilities so theres no conflict with balancing against each other, 3 for types of content, 12 for all the classes)

by sticking to their guns
 they have to balance 144 situations rather than 36
 time that they could be spend on making actual content
 but we know what happened to corruption
 yeah sure
 “balanced” when was the last time that their team could actually balance the game
 oh yeah
 WoD, before all this stupid borrowed power nonsense


Pulling the ripcord analogy is we can see the system is going to crash and they won’t pull the ripcord (make changes) to save themselves.

And lets be clear most of us are not for removing the entire system. There have been more then 2 dozen ideas on how they can make this system far more enjoyable and balanced. These range from the very easy to implement to the incredibly grandiose.

Part of the problem was they told us they had the ripcord already implemented that they could pull (turns out thats not the truth.) So now we have to go through a horrible first patch cycle again. Lose tons of friends who are just tired of it, again.

I think it was preach who recently started asking is this their intentional design philosophy? To introduce bad mechanics so that they can justify implementing fixes later on? I don’t really think it is as I can’t see a justification for it (outside of maybe pride) but why do we continue to go through this same cycle repeatedly?


yeah that is one of the biggest issues
 saying they have a solution when they dont aka lying

they are being stubborn and just sticking to their guns
 when a simple solution can be
 lock the signature ability to the covenant you choose, let people swap the class ability

most of the built in soulbind traits only affect the signature ability and the ones that say “class ability” can literally mean any class ability regardless of covenant
 and the conduits are the same regardless of covenant
 you literally solve like 80% of all the issues that most people have with covenants


That’s because they did lie. They said they could “pull the ripcord” (Ion’s words) if the system was not balanced enough, balance being the ultimate goal.

This confirms that there was never a ripcord to pull because doing so would break the system. It is directly contradictory. I don’t blame Ion for lying, any of us would have in his situation. But it doesn’t change the fact.

Ahh, you again! Most of us criticizing covenants and have loved many past systems. Mechagon was praised overall by the community, Azerite Essences were praised by most of the community. They made Azerite Armor much better than it was at launch and I respect that.

Once again, quit dismissing criticism as hate for the game. Living in your own echo chamber of “every design choice is good because the corporation knows what’s best”(literally what she said to me in another thread). Living in an echo chamber isn’t healthy.


I can’t believe they built an expansion during a pandemic. From their couch. With wine and Doritos.