Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

lol…okie dokie

Is it sunday already?

You must live under a rock, because one side is constantly working to undermine LGBT rights. I’m pretty sure that is more hostile than people posting on twitter.


If body types in a character creation menu make you feel like game companies are being “hostile” to you, perhaps gaming isn’t the hobby for you anymore. Maybe take up knitting, I heard it can be very peaceful and calming.


I never said any of that.

You can say what you want. It isnt worth splitting hairs with you.

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You’re free to clarify on what you said then, have at it.

You must live under a rock then. The other side does the same thing.

The difference here is Im on the side you speak of but nothing I have ever said or done reflects your accusations or supports them.

But ignore big 2 page post…its easier.

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I clarified enough…your responses make it clear you arent going to understand or are going to take a positon…well…like the one youve chosen.

So goodluck to you.

Yea I see how that’s an issue too. It’s kind of a mess, really, but there has to be something that is more fair to all the athletes and let’s them compete with like ability people.

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The position being that I can see other game companies switching to a body type menu and Blizzard is doing the same?

In fact, here is a list of games who have done so:

Where it previously gave players the option to select Male or Female body types, it now simply refers to them as Body 1 and Body 2 respectively, similar to games such as Halo Infinite, Elden Ring, Monster Hunter Rise, and Starfield, among several others.

Again, if you consider this to be “hostile” to you, then gaming might not be the right hobby for you. It seems like this is going to be an industry standard going forward.

What an astute argument. Except for the fact that body 1 and body 2 are not gender descriptors :slight_smile: They are body type descriptors. That’s all.

In other words, they got rid of the gender descriptor entirely and replaced it with a body descriptor… which is still of course very limited since there are many more body types than just those two!

This is like some restaurants who got rid of multi-stall bathrooms entirely and replaced them with several individual washrooms + a “family” washroom.

Would you go and tell management: “Uh, sorry, but cis and trans people don’t identify as “family”…” They’d just laugh at you and say, “then by all means use the single washroom.”

No, of course not, because the bathroom name no longer refers to gender at all but rather social composition: either a single individual or a family.

This is just a change in categorization they’ve implemented. But I can see why the removal of the gender descriptor might trigger a lot of people.

Hopefully they can get over it and enjoy the Dragon Isles unburdened by thoughts of, “omg… what… what gender am I if the game doesn’t specifically tell me… how will I ever know…???”

Hey, an actual good take for once.

Okay, then why not have four options? A checkbox to change Male and Female into Body 1 and Body 2 if you want it? Instead of just removing them?

What they did was exclude, just like Morissette said. No amount of mental gymnastics will dodge that fact.


Honestly, they should say this.

“We’re making changes to the customize character screen thinking on adding more body types options for each race. We renamed the only two available body type options bla bla bla…” Instead of “We do this because it’s inclusive. It’s an inclusivity change, look. We’re so proud!”

I personally think justifying the change would’ve work better.


the sports issue really only applies to high school and above, its irrelvant to a degree unless its a sport that spotlights younger atheletes, like gymnastics which starts at younger age.

once in high school it starts affecting the ability for biological women to be able to get college scholorships

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Because straight, gay, and transgender alike all identify as a preferred specific gender. The differences arise in whether or not the gender a person identifies as matches the sex they were born as.

So when Blizzard acts like they’re celebrating inclusicivity by making character customization more ambiguous it comes across as patronizing and - at least for me - raises concerns that they’re not taking character customization as seriously as they should.

My only issue is that you can swap voices between the sexes now. Thats not how biology works, sorry hun. Frankly this update changed nothing for me. I will still call a female character a girl regardless of what the person playing says or their chosen customizations.

Blizzard has jumped the shark by not having extra mods on duty when this predictable poutrage turned up.


Injecting this woke political crap into retail is a big reason why so many of us are playing Classic to get away from this.


It’s disappointing that I see a lot of people who are either a man or women (there is no cis) coming in and saying this change doesn’t bother me. Well good for you. As a transwoman it bothers me. You will see it mocked as the person above did with the KT male and a female voice. You will see it used in other ways. And that is far more offensive than just keeping it how it was. I read through many of these messages and it looks like I’m the only one who publicly stated I was trans.

Y’all fighting with each other but for the most part just ignore what the person who openly is trans is ignored. This is the other frustrating part. Is supposed trans ally’s don’t support us but the TRAs to try to not be considered a hateful bigot. Which is incorrect.


Best response I saw on this over at EU forum.

A: “You don’t think people should be able to play Trans in WoW?”

B: “They can literally go to a barber and change sex. They already have that option. Don’t need to take male/female away.”


Transitioning was already available. What’s even the point of “Body 1 & 2” and the pronoun option if you can already change sex?

And don’t tell me they’re going to add more “body types” when now they have even less reason to do that now.

I think it’s great to want more body types, but it’s pretty lazy design to just offer one body and say both sexes apply to it.

Which is exactly what they’re going to do.

Want a buff Female character? Pick “Body 1” and use the female pronouns.

Want Bearded Female Dwarf? Pick Body 1 with female pronouns.

Want a slimmer male Elf? Pick Body 2 and Male pronouns. Ignore the breasts and hips, they’re just a slim male elf.

(Despite the model being intentionally designed around the female sex)

Or they could have added buff / slim options to body mass, just like they did for Dracthyr.

But at this point I don’t see them doing that.