Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

The you is a general you.

One group in particular is spamming the forums with threads about how this is bothering them.

Because well.


you all FIND things to be upset about.

who the heck cares what they label the body styles as.


If I could give you a heart I would. I’m out right now lol but yeah you summed it up well.

You literally said yourself that one icon was male in appearance and the other icon was female in appearance.

So again

Why are you complaining?

I don’t see why this is an issue. It doesn’t matter what they call it, because Body 1 is still a male and Body 2 is still a female. Nothing actually changed and your life hasn’t been impacted.

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There many people who do not identify as either male or female, most often these are non-binary people but there are others too. These people may want to have a body that matches the one they were born with, but do not want to be labeled in a binary they do not fit in. Blizzard is simply providing every person playing the opportunity to craft their in game experience in the way that best fits them, it is a small but welcome change to many.

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I understand, I’m just adding to the conversation. Basically, it doesn’t matter to me, but what does, are the bad faith actors on both sides.

I don’t think that’s exactly true. Unless the threads spamming ideas in the other direction are also bigotry, but I don’t think that’s true either. People can disagree with this change and not be a bigot, one doesn’t necessitate the other.

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how would you propose they do it differantly
for example if you were born male but present female you would choose 2.
how else do you propose they visually express that?

someone needs to make a troll post about how sexist it is that females got the label “body 2” as if they are somehow inferior to men who are “body 1”

go forth. it will be hilarious.

when I first ready about the change I thought it to for a second
oh no there will be outrage
suprisingly it was just now pointed out


I think most of our usual trolls have just been hard focused on the obvious bait, they’ve let this fishing potential go by.

Honestly, this really doesn’t bother me. If you want to play a “Male” character you just select body type 1 and “he/him” as your pronoun. This really isn’t worth all the hype nor outrage, it’s just not that big a deal. People have been telling others to RP their “gender” and “identity” for a while now. I guess everyone gets to do that now :man_shrugging:

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The shark:

Blahaj is love :heart:


Okay maybe Blizzard saw that From Software was doing it and thought it was a good idea and copied it. I don’t see people complaining about Blizzard copying Arenanet with the GW2-style flying coming in Dragonflight

I’ve hit my like limit for the hour. Here’s a :heart:

Its divisive because of the hostility when someone doesnt say the right thing that was right forever. Among other things. People on both sides though say horrible stuff but I personally seem to here more hostility from the side that doesnt find the use of Male and Female to be right or acceptable angmore. Easy to forget that the vocal minority doesnt speak for the majority of the group they come from, unless of course you watch the changes taking place then someone will aruge that the other way…Circles.

Both can be right but not when one side becomes wrong for using a word thats been used for centuries and is suddenly now a no no word.

Its political for some people. Its social for some. Its many many things and thats contingent on the person in question.

Id say LGBTQ steps into the political arena when rights get granted to them. Then its political. It might not be for you but it is for some people and that perception isnt changeable. Thats where some of this reaction comes from.

I dont care what your orientation is be who you are ya know. I dont care what anyones orientation or gender preference is but I dont want to hear about it either. Whether it lines up with my views or not. Thats one thing I don’t care about.

But accept the reality that not everyone will accept that or embrace it and that it isnt right to expect everyone to. Its all a 2 way street. As long as hostility and hate is kept out of it.

You see that hate a LOT when someone puts out that they dont like something. Even if the post is constructive and fair.

Continuing to use Male and Female though isnt political and its impressive that now we have come to a point where…yes…Male and Female is political…its never been and it never will be.

But I guess to each their own.


It is exactly pandering and insincere. It is the opposite of inclusion. But such is this sick world we live in.

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i don’t know what this is truly about, can you please elaborate?

Nobody made this suggestion, Blizzard made this change on their own because other big games in the industry are doing the same. Are you saying that you see more hostility from Blizzard and other game companies then? Is From Software just as hostile to you when they did this in Elden Ring?

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Hmm, not sure whether to report as spam or trolling.
